
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Snack Crate from Poland

I did my first ever youtube video!  It was an unboxing from snack crate for August the Poland edition.  I was pretty nervous and made so many mistakes but hey it was my first time talking in front of the camera.  But anyway the video is done and I just have to get over my nerves.  The video should already be uploaded.

We got a total of 20 items in the Premium crate box which was about $55 USD because we added the drink to the box.  The biggest section of any grocery store in Poland is the candy section, so I can see why most of the items in this box are sweets.
Info about the snacks in the box

Taste slightly like an onion ring. I liked it, it reminds me of
the asian onion ring chips

This is prune covered chocolate candy.  It wasn't bad but it's not one of my favorites

A ginger bread cookie that is soft and fluffy, but a little bit on the dry side.  I can definitely taste the cinnamon in it.

This was a surprise I was expecting something crunchy, but instead it just melted
in my mouth like cotton candy would but at the end felt like I just bit on packing
peanuts.  It has that styrofoam texture.  For me the yellow ones didn't have a taste
but the other colors were a little bit on the sour side.

Pretzels, that is all

I was expecting a hard texture cookie, but instead it was soft like marshmallow
the inside has a raspberry jelly filling which complimented the chocolate and cookie well.  It is one of my favorite things in this box.

My top favorite!  This one is a winner for me.  The crunchy texture of the rice crispy covering the caramel and cookie.  Great combo.

This was interesting.  The inside looks like a marshmallow but it is not!
It is light and fluffy with a little bit of sweetness.

Coconut wafers.  Not my favorite, if there were a little bit more coconut flavor I think I would like it more.

The Prince Polo, chocolatey wafers I prefer the Classic over the hazelnut, also one of my favorites

Princessa to me taste just like the Prince Polo classic, so I can't complain there.

AHA!  I like this one because it reminds me of my childhood eating the Chinese New Year treats. I prefer the AHA's over the Chinese New Year ones because it's thinner and easier to bite into.

Pretty much a biscuit to dip into your coffee or tea.

If you have ever bought chocolate bars from kids for their fundraiser,  this taste just like
the caramel chocolate filled one.

Not a fan of this, the chocolate was too rich and dark for my liking

Again dark chocolate took over the flavor and it was a little bit to sweet for me

At first I didn't like this but after trying it some more I have come to like the taste of the jelly inside.  It is strong and over powers the chocolate but I like it.

Favorite! After finishing the drink off camera,  I feel like it taste slightly like a red bull which I kind of like the flavor of.  It has a citrusy fruity taste that I love.

Well that is it for the Snack Crate box from Poland.  We had fun trying all the different sweet treats and snacks.  It was very interesting that some of the flavors are similar to what I have eaten in my childhood.  Can't wait to try more Snack boxes.

(I am not sponsored this is something my boyfriend and I thought we would try)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Crystal Pepsi

Flash from the past?  Not for me I was too young to know what it was.  So when I heard Pepsi was going to bring it back for a short period of time I had to get my hands on one and see what all the hype was about.

My Thoughts?… It was ok. It seems a little bit sweeter then original Pepsi.  It’s just so weird that it’s clear! Definitely can trick someone into thinking its water or another clear drink.  My boyfriend and brother did not like it, but I don’t mind it.  Would I buy it again? Probably not to tell you the truth.  Buying it one time just to say I’ve tried Crystal Pepsi is good enough for me. I’m more of a Coke person

I’ve include the link where you can search for Crystal Pepsi at a store near you. It was about $2 for me

Friday, August 26, 2016

Baguette Pizza

Feeling hungry and wanted something easy I decided to make pizza on a baguette. I am using what I had on hand.  I used 2 different types of cheese because I have it and I wanted to use it all before it goes bad.  But using just mozzarella cheese is fine.


Baguette ( mine is from Lee’s Sandwich)
Cheddar Jack Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Pizza sauce


Slice baguette in half length wise
Spread pizza sauce all over
Top with as much or as little cheese as you'd like
Top with Pepperoni
350 Fahrenheit I didn’t set a timer I popped it in the toaster oven until the cheese is melted and the pepperoni looks done.

It was good, can't go wrong with anything pizza.  The only thing I would change is either make my own pizza sauce or use a different brand.  I wasn't that big of a fan for this sauce but it was still good and satisfied the cravings.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Eating the Jelly Bowl

Inside the jelly bowl is a large clear bag filled with jelly, fruits, and 2 beans in some kind of water syrup. The small square is filled with red bean and the rectangle is filled with black sugar syrup also known as black honey or in Japanese Kuromitsu.  The package also includes a little spoon so you can eat it anywhere how awesome is that?!

It took me a bit to figure out the instructions but what I got out of it is;
  1. drain the liquid from the clear jelly bag or everything will be diluted
  2. dump the remaining content in the clear bag into the bowl
  3. add in the red bean
  4. drizzle black sugar syrup over everything
  5. mix it all up and enjoy
Now I could have done this whole thing all wrong but it was still delicious! I love red bean desserts and since I left it in the fridge for a couple of days it was nice and cold very refreshing.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Mitsuwa Food Haul

I went to Mitsuwa with my brother to get some food and Mitsuwa already has prepared bento boxes ready to eat.  This is what we got.

An eel bowl that includes; tamagoyaki which is a sweet rolled egg omelette, mushroom, carrot, pickled ginger, and some type of green vegetable over rice.
Next is a beef bowl that includes, thinly sliced beef that is marinated in sukiyaki sauce, pickled ginger, caramelized onions, and green onions over rice
This is a fried chicken bento; there is fried chicken, dumplings, tamagoyaki, potato salad, a carrot, broccoli, mushroom, and brown riced mixed with other vegetables and picked ginger.
Next is a pork cutlet bento its pretty much the same thing as the fried chicken bento box except it has macaroni salad instead of potato salad and white rice.
The last thing we got is a pork cutlet sandwich, inside is fried pork with cabbage, ton-katsu sauce, and I think Japanese mayo (kewpie mayo)

We also got a couple of different chips to try

First one is a pizza potato chip. There is a hint of sweetness kind of taste like lays cheddar and sour cream chips and pringles pizza chip mixed together
This next one is our favorite we usually get some whenever we see it.  It is Honey butter chip, the taste is a sweet and salty buttery goodness.
Next is Kara Mucho, it taste like a spicy barbecue chip, but not that spicy.  I looked up the brand and there is a spicier version
The last chip is Yaokin Kado Cabbage Taro Flavored chips with “sauce.”  Taste like a salty popcorn with a hint of sweetness. I have no idea what the “sauce” flavor is.  It could be an okonomi sauce that is used for okonomiyaki which is a cabbage pancake.
This fruit cup is so good! The clear jello taste like a mix fruit juice and there are oranges, peaches, and pineapples in the cup.  It kind of taste like those dole fruit cup in juice.
The last thing we got is a jelly fruit cup that comes with red bean and brown sugar syrup (Kuromitsu)  I have not tried it yet but when I do I will post it.
So that is it for food and snacks,  the other things we bought were a bottle of sukiyaki sauce to make beef bowls at home, Chinese Mabo Tofu sauce, and ready to eat curry sauce