
Monday, August 8, 2016

Another Ghost Story

During my trip up north for my cousins wedding, we went to my uncles house first to great everyone before heading to my cousins apartment to spend the night.  I’ve always known that there was something in this house even at a young age, you can just feel it.

Years back when I was in high school my uncles house had burned down except for my 2nd oldest cousin room. Her room was in tact nothing damage by the fire, but everything else in the house was destroyed. Weird and creepy? Yes, yes it is.

I did have pictures, tons of pictures but since have deleted them all because of something that was caught on camera.  I decided to delete these pictures feeling like it was a bad omen to have and why would I want to save bad memories. What was caught in the picture was a reflection of a girl with long hair off of the tv screen.  Now it seemed like it could be one of our reflection but it was just something about it that did not resemble any of us.

Flash forward years from then my uncle has rebuilt his home adding a second floor to the house.  The first night we arrived we sat downstairs facing the front door kind of turned slightly so that I can still slightly see upstairs.  As we are talking I see this figure of a girl I couldn’t see her face it was dark but i could see she was wearing a long skirt to just slightly above her ankles walking from the bathroom upstairs and stopping at the top of the stairs to look at us and then proceed to walk into my 2nd oldest cousin room.

When I first saw it I was a little scared but kept it to myself I didn’t want to say anything or tell anyone.  Whatever it was I didn’t feel threaten by it so I just let it go.

The next night my uncle was having a party and all of us cousins were in my 2nd oldest cousin room because all the other rooms were occupied by guest.  I needed floss so I went to the bathroom to look for some which I did find.  But I had to get out of there fast! I’m not sure what happened but I started to get goosebumps and feeling very nervous so I quickly ran out the bathroom and acted like nothing happened.

After the eventful weekend I talked with my other cousins Lisa and Crystal about what I had saw and felt.  I never told my 3 older cousin that lives up north about any of this that was happening in their home.

Anyway so after I told them, Lisa said she felt something at the house too especially in the upstairs bathroom and in my 2nd oldest cousin room.  Crystal ended up sleeping in that room but she couldn’t sleep well that night and ended up staying up.  She also had the same feelings about the bathroom.  That if we were to closed the door while in there something scary could go down.  The day I left my niece was napping upstairs when all of a sudden she woke up crying really hard.  It was a little strange just because she never wakes up crying. 

I believe there is something in my uncles house especially since 2 of my cousins and my self had the same feeling and somewhat same experience.  We never talked to each other about this until we all got home from the mini vacation.

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