
Monday, August 22, 2016

Mitsuwa Food Haul

I went to Mitsuwa with my brother to get some food and Mitsuwa already has prepared bento boxes ready to eat.  This is what we got.

An eel bowl that includes; tamagoyaki which is a sweet rolled egg omelette, mushroom, carrot, pickled ginger, and some type of green vegetable over rice.
Next is a beef bowl that includes, thinly sliced beef that is marinated in sukiyaki sauce, pickled ginger, caramelized onions, and green onions over rice
This is a fried chicken bento; there is fried chicken, dumplings, tamagoyaki, potato salad, a carrot, broccoli, mushroom, and brown riced mixed with other vegetables and picked ginger.
Next is a pork cutlet bento its pretty much the same thing as the fried chicken bento box except it has macaroni salad instead of potato salad and white rice.
The last thing we got is a pork cutlet sandwich, inside is fried pork with cabbage, ton-katsu sauce, and I think Japanese mayo (kewpie mayo)

We also got a couple of different chips to try

First one is a pizza potato chip. There is a hint of sweetness kind of taste like lays cheddar and sour cream chips and pringles pizza chip mixed together
This next one is our favorite we usually get some whenever we see it.  It is Honey butter chip, the taste is a sweet and salty buttery goodness.
Next is Kara Mucho, it taste like a spicy barbecue chip, but not that spicy.  I looked up the brand and there is a spicier version
The last chip is Yaokin Kado Cabbage Taro Flavored chips with “sauce.”  Taste like a salty popcorn with a hint of sweetness. I have no idea what the “sauce” flavor is.  It could be an okonomi sauce that is used for okonomiyaki which is a cabbage pancake.
This fruit cup is so good! The clear jello taste like a mix fruit juice and there are oranges, peaches, and pineapples in the cup.  It kind of taste like those dole fruit cup in juice.
The last thing we got is a jelly fruit cup that comes with red bean and brown sugar syrup (Kuromitsu)  I have not tried it yet but when I do I will post it.
So that is it for food and snacks,  the other things we bought were a bottle of sukiyaki sauce to make beef bowls at home, Chinese Mabo Tofu sauce, and ready to eat curry sauce

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