
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cousins Wedding Part 2

It’s wedding day! We stayed up late finishing wedding favors and didn’t get to bed until about 2am and had to wake up around 6-7am to get ready.  First part of the ceremony was a traditional Cambodian wedding.

Getting ready to line up for the walking to the door part

She looks so pretty!

In the afternoon after the Cambodian ceremony had finished, it was time for the Church ceremony.  It was interesting to see and surprisingly short.  I’ve never been to a Church wedding before.

My Lovely Grandma

Father and Daughter

After the ceremony we headed back to her apartment to change into our dinner attire, redo our makeup, and do our hair.  I didn’t take any pictures at the dinner because it got a little hectic.

But regardless it was great watching my oldest cousin get married.  I’m so happy for her and wish her nothing but the best!
The only picture I have from the dinner is with my brother

Part 3 of our crazy trip going home next! Thanks for reading.

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