
Monday, August 29, 2016

Crystal Pepsi

Flash from the past?  Not for me I was too young to know what it was.  So when I heard Pepsi was going to bring it back for a short period of time I had to get my hands on one and see what all the hype was about.

My Thoughts?… It was ok. It seems a little bit sweeter then original Pepsi.  It’s just so weird that it’s clear! Definitely can trick someone into thinking its water or another clear drink.  My boyfriend and brother did not like it, but I don’t mind it.  Would I buy it again? Probably not to tell you the truth.  Buying it one time just to say I’ve tried Crystal Pepsi is good enough for me. I’m more of a Coke person

I’ve include the link where you can search for Crystal Pepsi at a store near you. It was about $2 for me

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