
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Finished Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon

I finally finished Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon! Took me a while just because I had other things to do, but I eventually finished it! It isn't a long game pretty short.  There are 6 levels with 6 stages plus a bonus stage in each level from collecting all the Boos. Level 4 Secret Mine is the shortest with only 4 stages plus 1 bonus.

So over all I like this game it was fun wish it was longer. I think that since we're already collecting the dark moon pieces why not have us collect ALL 6 pieces and not have the first one just be given in the beginning.  But owell no biggie. Some stages I have to admit were a little frustrating and I kept forget to use my dark light a lot at first, but I got used to it. Like I said in my first post when I bought this game there are tons of places to explore finding money for upgrades and searching for gems.

Now I need a new game but I don't know what I want.  Animal crossing new leaf? Donkey Kong? Or maybe some games for the Wii-U...? Hmmm I don't know we will just have to see.

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