
Friday, July 26, 2013

Fear talk 1; Facing some of your fears no matter how small.

Facing some of your fears can be hard to do.  Some of my fears are a more serious issue then this one but I’ll get into that at another time.

This might sound silly but if I can’t touch the ground in any body of water I would freak out a little, it was a big issue to me.  Doesn’t matter if it’s in the pool or at the beach part of the reason is because I never learned how to swim.  I pretty much self taught when I was younger playing in the shallow end with my cousins, but I could not for the life of me learn how to tread water!

But last summer when I went to the gym with my boyfriend and his mom I got into the pool and somehow can tread water even though it was only 5 feet. It was just amazing how I never could do this before and after almost 8 years of not being in a swimming pool, I somehow can.

So when my boyfriend and I stayed at the hotel last month, the pool was 3 feet to 8 feet. I’m only 5’3-5’4 and knowing the pool goes to 8 feet I kept telling my boyfriend that I'm going to do it! I'm going to swim into the deep end! Of course my boyfriend was worried for me, but I really wanted to do it! So I did.

At first I stayed by the wall just to make sure I could do it and after swimming for a while I really wanted to try swimming and treading water in the middle of the pool at 8 feet. Which I did but I still had that weird tingling feeling I get when I can’t touch the ground but I tried not to think about it and it worked! Until I told myself not to look down to the bottom of the pool, but of course when you tell yourself not to look down, what do you do? YOU LOOK DOWN! So I freaked out a little and had to swim back to the shallow end for a quick second but I went back into 8 feet and had a wonderful time swimming with my boyfriend.

Next on the list: jumping into deep water and not look like I’m freaking out when I come up even though I’m not freaking out.  When I went to Hawaii I saw people jumping off cliffs at North shore and smaller cliffs just past Lanai lookout on Kalanianaole Hwy.  It looked pretty fun but baby steps and maybe one day I’ll get enough courage to jump off a SMALL cliff.

This is all for now, I’m not sure when I’ll be writing “Fear Talk 2” or how often I will write about this type of subject.  But I hope it interest some people when reading this,  knowing it does will give me the motivation to write more about some of my fears and how I deal with it to share with everyone.


  1. Omg you are crazy for going in the water that deep. Wasn't your bf like wtf you doing? And hawaii must of been fun, i bet you miss it. I used to be afraid of ants during the summer, they would be everywhere in the house. Now i see them and dont care much about it, only if they bother me. I would flush em all down with ghe water hose but water doesn't do anything to them. I think i read somewhere ants can be in water for a few days and still live. Anyways love your talks, hope you talk more stories soon '>_<•

  2. Aw thank you for reading! Yeah my boyfriend didn't want me to try, but I figured I’d give it a try since I was comfortable treading water near the wall. I don’t like ants either! When there are lots of ants there are spiders and I hate spiders even more! >_< But I’m glad you got over your fear of ants! Yay! I will be posting Fear Talk 2 soon I just need to edit it so it’s not super long. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! You’re awesome! :)
