
Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July Recap

I had a blast on 4th of July with my boyfriend! We really didn’t plan on doing anything or even seeing each other just because of the distance.  But my boyfriend called and asked me to come over anyways so I did and I’m glad I did! He is the sweetest boyfriend EVER! He cooked garlic chicken pasta with garlic bread and macaroni salad.  For desert red velvet cake ice cream from Ben and Jerry. It was yummy! I was in major food coma! He also got me a gift! Animal Crossing new leaf! Yay!  I love him! :) I am definitely not use to the heat in Victorville.  After we got home from being outside in the hot sun picking up some last minute things, I started to get dizzy spells feeling super light headed walking around. Not good so I took some Advil and drank some water felt better after a while.  Later that evening we set off some fireworks in the backyard since there were so many cars in the front yard.  It was so much fun! I haven’t played with fireworks since probably when I was in elementary school I forgot how much fun it was. But anyways hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July!

Can't wait to play this!

First time having this and love it! 

The fireworks begin!

This is Robo! aka Robie (ro-b) Bear of course the nickname is what I call him
hehe.  He got so much bigger from the last time I saw him!
 I got my boyfriend this hamster couple months ago,
the one he had before named Homer died last year.

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