
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cutting Grandmas Hair

The other day my grandma asked me if I could cut her hair, I've never cut anyone’s hair before so I was extremely nervous!  The only hair I cut is my own and that’s just my bangs/fringe!  I kind of knew what to do since I watch how my hair stylist would cut my hair.  I used scissors instead because I didn’t know the number clips and didn't want to accidentally make my grandma bald. I think I did pretty ok for cutting hair for the first time. Kind of not that even towards the bottom lining but I really tried!



Friday, July 26, 2013

Fear talk 1; Facing some of your fears no matter how small.

Facing some of your fears can be hard to do.  Some of my fears are a more serious issue then this one but I’ll get into that at another time.

This might sound silly but if I can’t touch the ground in any body of water I would freak out a little, it was a big issue to me.  Doesn’t matter if it’s in the pool or at the beach part of the reason is because I never learned how to swim.  I pretty much self taught when I was younger playing in the shallow end with my cousins, but I could not for the life of me learn how to tread water!

But last summer when I went to the gym with my boyfriend and his mom I got into the pool and somehow can tread water even though it was only 5 feet. It was just amazing how I never could do this before and after almost 8 years of not being in a swimming pool, I somehow can.

So when my boyfriend and I stayed at the hotel last month, the pool was 3 feet to 8 feet. I’m only 5’3-5’4 and knowing the pool goes to 8 feet I kept telling my boyfriend that I'm going to do it! I'm going to swim into the deep end! Of course my boyfriend was worried for me, but I really wanted to do it! So I did.

At first I stayed by the wall just to make sure I could do it and after swimming for a while I really wanted to try swimming and treading water in the middle of the pool at 8 feet. Which I did but I still had that weird tingling feeling I get when I can’t touch the ground but I tried not to think about it and it worked! Until I told myself not to look down to the bottom of the pool, but of course when you tell yourself not to look down, what do you do? YOU LOOK DOWN! So I freaked out a little and had to swim back to the shallow end for a quick second but I went back into 8 feet and had a wonderful time swimming with my boyfriend.

Next on the list: jumping into deep water and not look like I’m freaking out when I come up even though I’m not freaking out.  When I went to Hawaii I saw people jumping off cliffs at North shore and smaller cliffs just past Lanai lookout on Kalanianaole Hwy.  It looked pretty fun but baby steps and maybe one day I’ll get enough courage to jump off a SMALL cliff.

This is all for now, I’m not sure when I’ll be writing “Fear Talk 2” or how often I will write about this type of subject.  But I hope it interest some people when reading this,  knowing it does will give me the motivation to write more about some of my fears and how I deal with it to share with everyone.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beef Stir Fry with Lots of Vegetables

I made beef stir fry with a bunch of different vegetables.  Whatever vegetables I found in the fridge I added it to the stir fry. There is broccoli, carrots, red bell pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes and of course beef.  It came out good and is one of the times I actually can get my brother to eat his vegetables. What I did was add some oil to the pan and the garlic cooked it until I can smell the fragrance of the garlic. I then added the broccoli and carrots coating it in the garlic and oil and added some soy sauce and let it continue to cook for a little bit before I added the beef.  After I added the beef I let it brown until it’s mostly cook I drizzled some oyster sauce over the meat, added salt, pepper, and a little bit of sugar.  After that was all mixed I added the red bell peppers waited a minute or 2 and added the cucumbers.  I saved the tomatoes for the very end since it is cherry tomatoes. After I added the cherry tomatoes and drizzled some lime ponzu sauce over everything, I mixed it up good, covered it, and let it cook for a couple more minutes and done. I served it over rice it was super yummy and the vegetables tasted delicious. 

I use Kikkoman lime ponzu sauce and I’m pretty much addicted to it.  I like putting it on my vegetables or on salmon, but I usually eat it with my version of Asian chicken and rice.   Happy Cooking :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Casa Guadalajara is One of My Favorite Mexican Restaurants

One of my favorite Mexican restaurants of all time SO far is Casa Guadalajara located in Old Town San Diego.  They make their own tortillas and have one of the best margaritas I’ve ever had! Just so sad that it is so far away!  They have happy hour from 4pm-7pm and also have live mariachi band play during dinner time from 6pm-9pm during the week not sure when they start on the weekends. 

I ordered the Enchiladas Trio it was so good! I love the rice it was just perfect, the flavors were amazing with all the gooey cheese in every bite of the enchiladas! I can’t remember what my boyfriend ordered but it was amazing also! I just like mine better. Hehe :)  We also ordered guacamole on the side for the chips and they serve it as a cute little head with it's tongue sticking out or sucking on a tomato? Either way it's pretty cute.

We also ordered 2 margaritas 1 lime on the rocks and 1 strawberry blended.  I love my blended drinks!  They were so refreshing not too strong perfect for any hot day.  I couldn’t finish my margarita after eating all that delicious food so I had my boyfriend finished it. The ones we got weren’t even the largest size margarita they offer.  I can’t wait to go back when ever my boyfriend and I get the chance to go to San Diego again.  It might be awhile just because now it’s quiet a drive for him.  But we will see. :)

What I got.

What my boyfriend got.

Guacamole head.

Lime and strawberry margaritas.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Morongo Casino

I went to Morongo for the weekend with my parents and brother for a little family getaway.  I’ve been to Morongo casino a couple of times and its fun but I’ve never stayed in one of their rooms.  Morongo is the only casino I know that is 18 and over and with free wifi for guest.

Our room was on the 22nd floor the view was of the mountains.  The room had a living room and 2 bathrooms with a sliding door dividing the bed room and the living room.  Each room had its own ac system which was nice.  The bathroom by the front door didn’t have a lock so it was kind of like wtheck man.  The main bathroom had a Jacuzzi tube so that was cool but it was very dimmed in the bathroom wish it was a little brighter.

They have 2 swimming pools a shallow one for kids and a regular one.  There is also a lazy river and a water slide with 2 Jacuzzi, a pool side bar and cabanas for rent.

We had dinner at Potrero Canyon Buffet it had a nice selection I tried lamb for the very first time and it wasn’t that bad.  I love their mushroom risotto! I wasn’t too happy with where they sat us we were stuck in their private room area which would have been fine if it didn’t feel like they stuck every big group of family with crying babies in there.  So that was kind of disappointing.

Food court area has a couple of different things; there is Panda Express, Fatburger which is open 24/7, Nathan’s Hotdog, Haagen Daz, and LA Italian.  I tried Fatburger for the first time! Well just their chili cheese fries and it was delicious!  There is a couple other restaurant and bars around the casino that I didn’t catch the name off.

There is also an outlet down the street! Yay shopping! It is call Desert Hills Premium Outlets also known as Cabazon Outlet. Lots of stores to check out like Coach, D&G, Gucci, and more.  Anyways here are some pictures of the room!

left to right: Entry way, 1st Bathroom, Coffee and ice stuff in bathroom,
Living room facing the 1st bathroom stain glass window.

Left to right: Living with the dividing door close, with it open,
bedroom facing 2nd bathroom, and from inside the bathroom facing out.

Left to right: 2nd Bathroom, Jacuzzi, Super early morning mountain,
sun setting view.

Complimentary bowl of chocolate mints yum!

Friday, July 12, 2013

San Diego trip!

My bf and I decided to head to San Diego no idea what we were going to do I just wanted to go to San Diego :)

So on the way I was busy searching things to do in SD and decide to hit up the beaches.  We went to this beach with the longest pier I’ve ever been on.  It was so long when I got to the end all you hear is the sound of the waves no cars or street noise.  It was pretty awesome to bad I can’t remember what that beach is called.

After we left that beach we headed to La Jolla Cove. Rain or Shine it was kind of hard to find parking but eventually we did. There are a lot of sea lions that hang around on the rocks and beach area. It's so pretty I love it! Looking out into the ocean if you are lucky you can see dolphins swim by.  I saw some people kayak and snorkel it looks like a lot of fun, but I have a fear of the ocean. If I can’t touch the ground or see through the water my mind starts playing games with me and I freak out.

Now that it is officially Summer I can’t wait to go to more beaches!  Lately we’ve been exploring lots of beaches nearby and I love it!  Can’t wait to go on more adventures!

The structure at the end of this picture is just the half way point of the pier.

Smile! :) thought my camera was food.

over cast but still beautiful!

Striking a pose! It was like he/she knew I was taking a picture.

this poor little one was trying so hard to get to the top of
this rock but kept getting knocked off by the waves


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

World Market!

I love this place! Yes it is a little expensive to pretty much kind of expensive for some things but I still love it!  I love looking in the snack areas to see what new things they have and possibly find old childhood candies those are the best!  But today I bought Chocorooms which is a cracker dipped in chocolate. It is one of my favorite chocolate cracker snacks it has a layer of milk chocolate on the bottom and a small layer of dark chocolate on top.  I also got Kit Kats in mint flavor it tasted like a crunchy andes mint.  I thought it was ok, I'm sure my boyfriend would love it!  Next item from my random shopping is Sparkling Pink Citrus Lemonade from France and it is so good! Pretty scary opening the bottle it was a loud pop like opening a champagne bottle but good thing it’s hooked onto the metal.  I think I might want to get some more I love how the cap is attached to the metal I can definitely use the bottle for other things.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July Recap

I had a blast on 4th of July with my boyfriend! We really didn’t plan on doing anything or even seeing each other just because of the distance.  But my boyfriend called and asked me to come over anyways so I did and I’m glad I did! He is the sweetest boyfriend EVER! He cooked garlic chicken pasta with garlic bread and macaroni salad.  For desert red velvet cake ice cream from Ben and Jerry. It was yummy! I was in major food coma! He also got me a gift! Animal Crossing new leaf! Yay!  I love him! :) I am definitely not use to the heat in Victorville.  After we got home from being outside in the hot sun picking up some last minute things, I started to get dizzy spells feeling super light headed walking around. Not good so I took some Advil and drank some water felt better after a while.  Later that evening we set off some fireworks in the backyard since there were so many cars in the front yard.  It was so much fun! I haven’t played with fireworks since probably when I was in elementary school I forgot how much fun it was. But anyways hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July!

Can't wait to play this!

First time having this and love it! 

The fireworks begin!

This is Robo! aka Robie (ro-b) Bear of course the nickname is what I call him
hehe.  He got so much bigger from the last time I saw him!
 I got my boyfriend this hamster couple months ago,
the one he had before named Homer died last year.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Super Mini Vacation

The boyfriend and I felt like we needed to get away for a day to relax and enjoy each other’s company without any interruptions from our phones and people.  So we deiced to get a room for a night at a hotel to relax and unwind. We checked into Fairfield Hotel, I’ve never stayed here before so I didn’t know how it was going to be.  But it was actually nice!  The staff was super friendly knowing it was our first time there; they even called to check up on us.  We got a room with 2 queen because they were sold out of the rooms with a King bed.  The room wasn't that big pretty much just enough walk space for 1 person to go through at a time from the bathroom to the front door. There is free wifi for guest and breakfast in the morning from 6am-9am.  The breakfast wasn’t bad it was actually good and they also have a waffle maker! I love waffles!

That afternoon we went swimming in the pool which is 3 feet to 8 feet deep. There is also a gym but it isn’t that big and a small Jacuzzi.  For dinner we just went to Costco and ordered a pizza, watched movies, and talked.  It just felt so wonderful we really haven’t been alone in a long time and just being able to relax and talk the night away was one of the best things ever!  The next day after breakfast and checking out we went to see fast and furious 6.  It was awesome! I loved it but I was kind of sad they killed off the couple wont say who in case some people who are reading this still haven't seen it.  At the ending I guess during credits or before got me confused a little just because I don’t remember all the fast and furious movies.  But overall it was a good movie and I liked it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Finished Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon

I finally finished Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon! Took me a while just because I had other things to do, but I eventually finished it! It isn't a long game pretty short.  There are 6 levels with 6 stages plus a bonus stage in each level from collecting all the Boos. Level 4 Secret Mine is the shortest with only 4 stages plus 1 bonus.

So over all I like this game it was fun wish it was longer. I think that since we're already collecting the dark moon pieces why not have us collect ALL 6 pieces and not have the first one just be given in the beginning.  But owell no biggie. Some stages I have to admit were a little frustrating and I kept forget to use my dark light a lot at first, but I got used to it. Like I said in my first post when I bought this game there are tons of places to explore finding money for upgrades and searching for gems.

Now I need a new game but I don't know what I want.  Animal crossing new leaf? Donkey Kong? Or maybe some games for the Wii-U...? Hmmm I don't know we will just have to see.