
Friday, December 21, 2012

Ready for Christmas?

On the way home from dinner with my boyfriend we decided to take the streets to see all the Christmas light decorations.  Didn’t see anything interesting until I see something extremely bright coming from a neighborhood and asked my boyfriend to make a turn into it and like wow just wow! I’ve never seen a house so decorated out like this before! I have no idea how long they've been doing this but this is the first time I’ve seen this house and it is just amazing! Everything is in detail the picture doesn’t show much because I wanted to get the whole house in frame but he really went all out. There is also Christmas music in the background.  We got there just in time they turned everything off 10 minutes after we got there since it was already super late.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Yesterday was like any other day waking up wasn’t feeling too bad got ready to go to the dentist with my brother. After I finish I was waiting in the lobby for my brother checking up on the news and this was the first thing I saw my jaw dropped I couldn’t believe it how could something like this happen!  My heart goes out to those family and friends affected by what has happen in Newtown, Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Those precious babies with their lives ahead of them cut short by a man having problems with his own life even going as far as taking the life of his own mother. To those amazing teachers and staff trying to make a difference in these young children lives also cut short.  I don’t know what it is like to lose a child but it breaks my heart to here this story.  Every time I watch the news or read something about it makes my heart heavy. I also would like to thank those who were quick thinking during such a scary moment saving lives and protecting anyone they could.  You are truly amazing.

Just a couple of days ago there was a shooting at an Oregon mall and now on the same day as this horrible event another shooting in Las Vegas at Excalibur.  My heart and condolence goes out to everyone affected by everything that has happen here in the United States and around the world where it‘s not reported on the media.  Losing someone is hard I’ve lost a best friend that was like a sister in a freak nature accident that was unpreventable because it was nature.  But things like this didn’t have to happen if only things could have been different but it isn’t. May the beautiful children’s, teachers, staff members,  the people in the mall, the people in Las Vegas, and all around the world who lost their lives to something so horrible Rest In Peace.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ending up in Los Angeles

Last week my boyfriend and I went on a date.  We went to the OC Fair grounds to check out the famers market since I have never been to one.  After walking around the little area I saw an Italian ice stand! I’ve always wanted to try it!  It’s like a sorbet meets ice cream meets shaved ice? There is no dairy and the woman that helped us was very nice!  She said she’s there every Thursday at the farmers market. After our dessert we waited for the food trucks that also come every Thursday during lunch time.  I tried Dogzilla for the first time and fresh fries, it was interesting.

After that we were heading home because I had things I wanted to do in the area before we went to the movies but my boyfriend got on the wrong freeway.  Long story short we ended up going to Los Angeles and decided to go to the LA zoo because it was the cheapest thing we could think of plus I really wanted to go to the LA zoo anyways since I’ve never been there. hehe

Anyways there was a lot of construction going on so we didn’t get to see much but there was quite a bit of animals out.  Although most of the animals I wanted to see weren’t out. :( So while we were walking around we were dying of thirst totally forgot to bring our water bottle didn’t want to pay $3.50-5 for a regular water bottle.  Ticket price are $17 per person and free parking so yeah cheaper then San Diego Zoo and less tiring you’re not hiking up and down giant hills just remember to bring something to drink!

After the zoo we went to Griffith observatory again our first time.  We got there after the sun went down because traffic was so bad even on the streets it was horrible. When we got to the street heading up to the observatory it wasn’t that bad driving up there like I thought it would be.  The view was nice even though it was a little foggy.  Everything is free unless you want to watch the show in the Planetarium.  So on our way home we had to deal with traffic it took 2 hours to get home when it only took half an hour to get there. But it was ok we usually try to entertain each other when we’re stuck in heavy traffic to pass the time.  No point in getting mad or irritated just need to make the best of it!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Yesterday was my grandma's birthday! I love her so much she is such an inspiration and a very strong woman! I can’t believe another year has gone by! Every time I look at her I think she’s still in her 60-70’s not anywhere close to her actual age. She’s gone through so much in her life and is still always positive about everything.  I want to write about her life and share her stories on here so that in the future I can look back at the post and remember every detail of what makes her the woman that she is today. That post will come soon.  But now I want to wish my lovely grandma a happy wonderful birthday again and for many more birthdays and years of healthy happy life to come! Love you grandma! (^_^) <3

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips; End result

It has been a while since I have posted anything.  Been busy with Thanksgiving and then that weekend I happen to catch the stomach flu. (-_-) I was in so much pain! Has anyone else caught it? I've seen some post on Facebook that they've caught it as well. If you did catch it hope you get better soon! I’m all better now though yay! (^_^)

Anyways this is a post for the end results of Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips. I’m keeping it short and simple! Lets get started!

So truth be told I've been using the strips on and off.  I didn't finish the whole set because it gets too sensitive and I only use it once a day. I will most likely only use the strips a couple days before a big event since you get quick results. But honestly this product isn't for me although I would recommend it to others but if your teeth are easily sensitive then no. Try it out for yourself and see how it goes but if it gets sensitive please stop.  I don't think it's worth the pain to get a whiter smile there is always another solution!

I was looking through the Crest website and found some other products I would like to try which are the white strips for sensitive teeth or the 2 hour strips. I do like Crest whiting strips since I did see results within 3 - 4 days but making my teeth sensitive? No thanks! Maybe in the future I’ll give the other products I mention earlier a try but for now I’ll stick with brushing my teeth.

Like the crest slogan goes! If You’re Not Whitening, You’re Yellowing!

Link to crest website click here -> Crest

I am not sponsored by this product I am not getting paid to do this review this is my own opinion.  This is a complimentary product from Influenster.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Dinner with the Boyfriend and his Family

My boyfriend made a lovely sushi dinner for his family and I, it was so sweet and random he doesn't usually cook that often.  So while he made the sushi I decided to make cream cheese wontons with the left over crab meat. And for drinks I brought over this wine-a-rita mix I have never tried it before.  Its peach flavor I thought it was too sweet with the wine. I think the mix would go better with tequila it needed a little kick!  Peach margarita anyone? :)

End result of our cooking!

So with the LA trip it fell through. It is suppose to rain womp womp. :( WHY! DOES IT HAVE TO RAIN WHEN I WANT TO GO ON A LITTLE TRIP!! It was so sunny and beautiful all week! Owell nothing I can do about it just have to make the best of it!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Can’t Decide!

This Friday my boyfriend and I are planning a day trip to Los Angeles.  I've been there before but never really explored it just the usual Hollywood walk of fame area, Universal Studios, and Chinatown with family.  So I've been looking up things to do and I want to do EVERYTHING! There are not enough hours in a day to do everything I want to do! I want to go to the LA zoo, Griffin observatory, California Science Center, Santa Monica, The Grove, Downtown, the other museums, the beaches, and etc., but of course can’t do it all in a day. :( So hard to pick something when you’re so indecisive and I definitely don’t want to be driving back and forth around town.

Decisions decisions… I will eventually have to make one in the next couple of days! >_<

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips; Part 2

4 strips down 16 to go! So far so good!

I've only used 4 strips so far and have seen some results.  My teeth do look whiter and I love it! Although after using only 4 strips I felt that my teeth were a little sensitive.  But that is ok because the instructions says you can skip a couple of days if you feel the need too.  I've skipped 2 days so far just to make sure my teeth aren't sensitive anymore and planning on starting my daily white strips routine again today.  Just know every person is different.

If You’re Not Whitening, You’re Yellowing! Using crest white strips does help whitening your beautiful smile!

link to crest website click here -> Crest

I am not sponsored by this product I am not getting paid to do this review this is my own opinion.  This is a complimentary product from Influenster.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips

I got this package in the mail to test out Crest 3D white; Professional Effects white strips, whitening power number 4. I know crest strips aren't new products and I’m sure many have tried it already and I have tried it once at a friends house to see how it feels but never a whole set.  Basically in each package there is a top and bottom strip, depending on the strength of the whitening it shows how long you should leave it on for.  I got Professional Effects 30 minutes daily for 20 days.  I’m definitely excited to try this and see how it works from day 1 to 20.

Here is a picture of before I put on the strips and the bottom picture is with the strips on

It feels weird having them on kind of feels like a mouth guard.

So it’s been 30 minutes time to take the strips off! I don’t know if it’s because I didn't feel like swallowing my saliva while I had the strips on or it was just the strips in general? But it was slimy. I read that some people lightly brush their teeth after taking off the strips to remove the remaining gel.  After a couple of rise I still felt some left over gel on my teeth, it felt weird so I lightly brushed my teeth.

well there you have it Crest 3D white strips! Lets see how this works! If You’re Not Whitening, You’re Yellowing!

link to crest website click here -> Crest

I am not sponsored by this product I am not getting paid to do this review this is my own opinion.  This is a complimentary product from Influenster.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Old Town Orange

My cousins and I decided to try Bruxie; it's a waffle sandwich shop. It was my first time there and what I got was ok it tasted kind of bland. It's around $10 for a waffle sandwich and crisp cut fries combo add a drink it comes to around $13-15? I don’t really remember. Anyways what my cousin got tasted better but it pretty much depends on your taste. I wouldn't mind going again and trying different things on the menu, the waffles are good they also have dessert waffles!

After lunch we decided to walk around Old Town Orange.  Even though I've lived here for years I've never actually looked around at all the little hidden shops and never notice this cute small alley way! Only notice it because we saw a gelato and crepe place on the coroner I believe it is called Metropolitan Crepe.  I got a raspberry gelato it was very refreshing and fruity $4 for a small; comes with 2 scoops of gelato and you can get 2 different flavors.

My cousin from San Francisco is leaving today so we decided to just come home and hang out with the family until she has to go. Plus we were all tired and major food coma. Bruxie and Metropolitan Crepe have very friendly and helpful staff if you can't decide what you want to get. :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Spending time with the cousins and boyfriend

My cousin from San Francisco came down to visit for a couple of days so I invited my boyfriend over to meet her for the first time and my cousin from Long Beach and her boyfriend came over too.  We decided to get sushi for lunch and went to this place called Kula Revolving Sushi Bar in Irvine, mostly everything is $2 except for certain items that can be found on the menu.  This is my go to place when I want good cheap sushi they have different varieties from raw to cooked sushi.

Made a bet with my boyfriend that he wouldn't try a sea urchin; he did but didn't like it. So I lost the bet since he ate it! BUT at least I got him to try it hehe :)

After sushi we walked down to a Taiwanese bakery called 85C Bakery Cafe.  Fresh pastries, bread and other goodies baked fresh daily.  Weekends can get pretty crowded lines go out the door but weekdays are usually fine.  Once you enter the store grab a tray and a tong and start picking whatever goodies you’d like. My all time favorite is in the cake section white chocolate strawberry cup! Yummy!

We ate dinner at home my mom bought house special lobster, duck, chicken feet, tripe, and made asian sesame chicken salad. (no pictures sorry everyone was hungry) After dinner we chilled and watched TV for couple hours then decided to go to Tebo Tebo Tea Lounge; it was pretty crowded and has loud music. There are lots of teas, slushy, smoothies to pick from and yummy brick toast I suggest sharing, it is pretty big.  My boyfriend and I got Paris in a Box it was good but we couldn't finish it.  After that we came home and watched a movie.  :) <3

Monday, October 22, 2012

The start of a new hobby

A little about me: I am Cambodian, part Chinese, and Viet but I've only been raised in the Cambodian culture and only know how to speak Khmer. I'm pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people but I’m working on it. What is there to be shy about right?

The man in my life: Growing up you see things in fairy tale movies about when you find your special someone your soul mate you’ll know.  You’ll get butterflies in your stomach, you’ll feel sparks when you kiss, your lips tingle, and you just melt.  I did believe that for while growing up as a kid but after my share of heart breaks I didn’t think that could ever happen and when I was just about to give up on love he pops out of nowhere like my knight in shining armor.  He supports me in everything I do and is the most patient person I know.  He always has a smile on his face and looks on the brighter side of things.  He has definitely taught me a lot to always look on the brighter side when it gets hard and that life’s to short to not enjoy it. It is your choice to be happy and not get worked up over issues that shouldn’t matter in the first place. 

On our spare time we like to go on adventures in the nearby cities finding inexpensive things to do and exploring hidden gems.  The current city we love to go to at the moment is San Diego where he is originally from.  We both love San Diego; it has beautiful beaches, great sites to see, and great food.

My cooking: I love to cook!  Experimenting on new recipes, making things from scratch, baking I love it all! Seeing people enjoying what I cook makes me feel great and gives me the courage to try and make different varieties of food.  Most recent things I’ve been making is Korean food thanks to all of the Korean dramas I have watched.  But I am looking forward to trying different culture foods especially learning more about Cambodian food.

Other hobbies: I like to do a lot of D.I.Y projects like sewing, knitting, small house projects, and simple gifts. I feel that if you make it yourself it's more meaningful. Especially if you are on a tight budget but still want to give someone a special gift.

Thanks for taking the time to read a little about me! I am new to this site and it will take some time to get use to. But I hope you would want to follow and read about my random life I will be posting tons of little adventures, cooking stuff, D.I.Y projects, and random things I like at the moment in the near future.  Lots of love :) <3