
Saturday, December 15, 2012


Yesterday was like any other day waking up wasn’t feeling too bad got ready to go to the dentist with my brother. After I finish I was waiting in the lobby for my brother checking up on the news and this was the first thing I saw my jaw dropped I couldn’t believe it how could something like this happen!  My heart goes out to those family and friends affected by what has happen in Newtown, Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Those precious babies with their lives ahead of them cut short by a man having problems with his own life even going as far as taking the life of his own mother. To those amazing teachers and staff trying to make a difference in these young children lives also cut short.  I don’t know what it is like to lose a child but it breaks my heart to here this story.  Every time I watch the news or read something about it makes my heart heavy. I also would like to thank those who were quick thinking during such a scary moment saving lives and protecting anyone they could.  You are truly amazing.

Just a couple of days ago there was a shooting at an Oregon mall and now on the same day as this horrible event another shooting in Las Vegas at Excalibur.  My heart and condolence goes out to everyone affected by everything that has happen here in the United States and around the world where it‘s not reported on the media.  Losing someone is hard I’ve lost a best friend that was like a sister in a freak nature accident that was unpreventable because it was nature.  But things like this didn’t have to happen if only things could have been different but it isn’t. May the beautiful children’s, teachers, staff members,  the people in the mall, the people in Las Vegas, and all around the world who lost their lives to something so horrible Rest In Peace.

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