
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ending up in Los Angeles

Last week my boyfriend and I went on a date.  We went to the OC Fair grounds to check out the famers market since I have never been to one.  After walking around the little area I saw an Italian ice stand! I’ve always wanted to try it!  It’s like a sorbet meets ice cream meets shaved ice? There is no dairy and the woman that helped us was very nice!  She said she’s there every Thursday at the farmers market. After our dessert we waited for the food trucks that also come every Thursday during lunch time.  I tried Dogzilla for the first time and fresh fries, it was interesting.

After that we were heading home because I had things I wanted to do in the area before we went to the movies but my boyfriend got on the wrong freeway.  Long story short we ended up going to Los Angeles and decided to go to the LA zoo because it was the cheapest thing we could think of plus I really wanted to go to the LA zoo anyways since I’ve never been there. hehe

Anyways there was a lot of construction going on so we didn’t get to see much but there was quite a bit of animals out.  Although most of the animals I wanted to see weren’t out. :( So while we were walking around we were dying of thirst totally forgot to bring our water bottle didn’t want to pay $3.50-5 for a regular water bottle.  Ticket price are $17 per person and free parking so yeah cheaper then San Diego Zoo and less tiring you’re not hiking up and down giant hills just remember to bring something to drink!

After the zoo we went to Griffith observatory again our first time.  We got there after the sun went down because traffic was so bad even on the streets it was horrible. When we got to the street heading up to the observatory it wasn’t that bad driving up there like I thought it would be.  The view was nice even though it was a little foggy.  Everything is free unless you want to watch the show in the Planetarium.  So on our way home we had to deal with traffic it took 2 hours to get home when it only took half an hour to get there. But it was ok we usually try to entertain each other when we’re stuck in heavy traffic to pass the time.  No point in getting mad or irritated just need to make the best of it!

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