
Friday, November 16, 2012

Dinner with the Boyfriend and his Family

My boyfriend made a lovely sushi dinner for his family and I, it was so sweet and random he doesn't usually cook that often.  So while he made the sushi I decided to make cream cheese wontons with the left over crab meat. And for drinks I brought over this wine-a-rita mix I have never tried it before.  Its peach flavor I thought it was too sweet with the wine. I think the mix would go better with tequila it needed a little kick!  Peach margarita anyone? :)

End result of our cooking!

So with the LA trip it fell through. It is suppose to rain womp womp. :( WHY! DOES IT HAVE TO RAIN WHEN I WANT TO GO ON A LITTLE TRIP!! It was so sunny and beautiful all week! Owell nothing I can do about it just have to make the best of it!

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