
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips; End result

It has been a while since I have posted anything.  Been busy with Thanksgiving and then that weekend I happen to catch the stomach flu. (-_-) I was in so much pain! Has anyone else caught it? I've seen some post on Facebook that they've caught it as well. If you did catch it hope you get better soon! I’m all better now though yay! (^_^)

Anyways this is a post for the end results of Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips. I’m keeping it short and simple! Lets get started!

So truth be told I've been using the strips on and off.  I didn't finish the whole set because it gets too sensitive and I only use it once a day. I will most likely only use the strips a couple days before a big event since you get quick results. But honestly this product isn't for me although I would recommend it to others but if your teeth are easily sensitive then no. Try it out for yourself and see how it goes but if it gets sensitive please stop.  I don't think it's worth the pain to get a whiter smile there is always another solution!

I was looking through the Crest website and found some other products I would like to try which are the white strips for sensitive teeth or the 2 hour strips. I do like Crest whiting strips since I did see results within 3 - 4 days but making my teeth sensitive? No thanks! Maybe in the future I’ll give the other products I mention earlier a try but for now I’ll stick with brushing my teeth.

Like the crest slogan goes! If You’re Not Whitening, You’re Yellowing!

Link to crest website click here -> Crest

I am not sponsored by this product I am not getting paid to do this review this is my own opinion.  This is a complimentary product from Influenster.

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