
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Shadows of the night

A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend parents asked us to go see some houses with them that they were looking into purchasing.  We saw about 5 houses that day it was long hot and for the most part not that impressive.  One of the houses we went to see was strange.  1st we drove past a cemetery so thats already creepy, 2nd when we got to the house the neighbors were already so rude.  The house itself looked creepy we found out that it had been a foreclosed home.  So obviously the previous owners were pissed.  The front door had been nailed shut with wood boards from the inside, smashed windows, and everything inside the house was a hot mess everything looked trashed or ripped out of place.  The realtor said that the house is being remodeled but it didn't look that way too me.  While I was walking around the house I started to get bad negative energy like I wanted to get out the house as quickly as I can. The atmosphere just seemed off so I told my boyfriend I'm done and I'm going to the car.

Later that night my boyfriend and I were in his car talking about the houses today and other things we didn't want to talk inside his parents house because the walls were pretty thin and it was late at night.  So we're just chilling talking and I'm siting side ways in the front seat facing him when all of a sudden I see a shadow of a bald man on his neighbors RV.  For some reason after I saw the shadow I burst into tears. It initially did scary me when I first saw it because a shadow came out of nowhere but I wasn't scared of it so I have no idea why I started to cry.  Even though it was for a second I saw it go towards the darkness on the side of the house.

I feel like because we went into a bad negative energy house and we did argue a little bit in the car that it could have created more negative energy just enough for it to manifest itself for a split second. It was creepy though and I would be ok with not ever seeing it again.

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