
Monday, July 25, 2016

Loosing Weight

For years I’ve always wanted to loose weight but I never really tried hard.  I would start to work out but fall off the wagon a couple of weeks to a month later.  It was always hard for me to keep going once I started.  But this year I started to drink more water.  I started out with trying to drink about 24oz a day and increased it to 32oz a day.  I’ve also noticed I started to eat less than I normally would eat.  Most of the time some people would eat until they are super stuff and in food coma especially during the holidays.  But lately I’ve notice I don’t do that anymore, when I start to feel full I stop eating even when I’m not super stuff.

I am still drinking soda and eating what I normally eat just drinking more water.  Recently I just bought a new water bottle which is 50oz.  I got it at Sports Authority as they are going out of business and I love this water bottle!  My boyfriend got one as well because he wanted to drink more water too.  There is measurements on the side so you know how much you are drinking.  I try to drink at least 1 bottle a day.  To some it might not be a big deal but to me who doesn’t like to drink water often, it could be pretty challenging.  At first it was a struggle but now I don’t mind. I like my water super cold so I would leave it in the fridge over night or add lots of ice to the bottle.

So far since I’ve started drinking more water I have lost around 40 pounds! 40 POUNDS! That is amazing to me just because I never would have thought I could lose that much weight.  When I started to weight myself I didn’t believe the scale I thought it was broken.  I was like no way this can’t be right…. Even thought I wasn’t sure if the numbers on the scale was correct it did boost my confidence that I was doing something right.  By the way the scale isn’t broken, I checked my weight at my aunts house and it matched.  I started this in January and it is pretty much the end of July so I’ve lost about 5-6 pounds a month! I’ve gone 2 pants sizes down which I think I could have gone one more pant size down.  The jeans I’m currently wearing are a little baggy I guess I missed judge my size.  I did order them online because I was to busy to go to the mall.  I do kind of regret that decision now because Torrid jeans are not cheap!  But o-well its too late now I just have to wait until I go down a couple more sizes.

It wasn’t a continuous weight drop, the weight did go up and down a couple of pounds but for the most part I have been able to keep the weight off.  The problem now is, the weight is coming off but I am not toning or muscle building.  I know I need to work on it to get a better shape for my body but I just hate working out.  I might try to do yoga again thats what got me into working out before.

The water bottle brand is: CamelBak Chute

Going down!

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