
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Boyfriends Birthday

This year for my boyfriends birthday I decided to make him a call of duty cake since he loves that game.  I have to admit it could have turned out better compared to the Minecraft cake I made for him a couple of years ago.  But I thought I would surprise him with a cake anyway.  I bought the molds for the bullet and gun on amazon and I used green and black edible spray paint from Walmart it was the first time I had ever used edible spray paint.  I attempted to spray paint the guns black but the color kept melting off the chocolate gun. I had to do a couple of layers for it to be somewhat black.  I printed out a call of duty logo and did the words using white chocolate and filled in the back and boarder with milk chocolate.  It could have been a little bit cleaner but for my first time I thought it was ok.  I didn’t have a plan for this cake like I did with the Minecraft cake so it was a simple design.

My boyfriend did love the cake it turned out good, so I was pretty happy with that.

If you would like to see the Minecraft cake please click here -> Minecraft Cake

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