
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Thai Temple

I’ve been a little bit under the weather but I’m finally getting over my cold!  I’m just a little congested now.  It started out as the stomach flu then ended up getting sick right after.  So not feeling good during the holidays was a huge bummer especially since my cousins from Washington came to visit.  I haven’t seen them in 2-3 years and they’ve grown so much!  Anyway, I didn’t take many pictures this holiday since I was busy driving everyone around and getting last minute things done.  Plus I was becoming super exhausted with little sleep I didn’t even think about taking pictures.

One of the places we visited was the Thai Temple in Los Angeles.  It’s been a while since I’ve visited this Temple.  We came on a weekday and they only serve food on the weekends.  Also instead of cash you exchange it for tokens at the token booth.  I love all the details put into this temple it’s so beautiful! 

Once you walk in there is a beautiful shrine with various donation boxes that you can contribute too.  On the side, there is a smaller area to pray for your fortune/wish for the new year.  After you finish praying there is a cup with a lot of sticks that are numbered.  Before you shake the cup up and down you make a wish for the new year and then start to shake until one stick falls out. Once you get your stick look at the number and put the stick back in the cup.  On the side there is a case that looks like a bookshelf, find your number to get your fortune paper.  The numbers are in red on the wall of the case on the top left corner above each paper.  After getting your fortune, you give a donation to the box in front of the are where the sticks were.

My aunts told me that you can make up to 3 wishes if the ones before turned out to be bad luck. I don’t know how true that is, so don’t quote me.

Anyway,  I’ve posted some pictures of the temple, hope you enjoy!  Thanks for reading.

Where you pray for your fortune and wish for the new year
before shaking the cup with the sticks
My cousin shaking the cup
Where to find your paper.

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