
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

San Diego Zoo

So I’ve been slacking on posting.  After getting better from my cold, I was pretty much congested for another week.  I didn’t want to take more medications but eventually I did give in and got some Sudafed for pressure + pain.  I was getting headaches every day and there was so much pressure in my face I couldn’t take it any longer.  After only taking a day worth of Sudafed I definitely felt better!

Anyway, here is another late post from the holidays.  My little cousins wanted to go to the San Diego Zoo.  This was when I was starting to feel under the weather but I took them because there was nothing that could change their minds and I didn't want to disappoint them.  We went during the weekday so it wasn’t too bad.  My boyfriend and I only stayed on one side of the zoo unfortunately because I was starting to not feel well as time went on.  My aunt and cousins took off on their own which was better for them.  I would have just slowed everyone down.  It was a pretty nice day at the zoo.  Most animals were still sleeping at the time.  There is a lot of construction going on as well.

Towards the end of our trip, we took the sky cabin to go see the polar bears as well as make our way to the elephants.  On the way back to the front we took the sky cabin back and got to see the baby gorilla running around! It was so cute! We left around 1:30 since my boyfriend had work that night.

Before I went home though I made sure to pick up some medicine because sure enough when I woke up the next day I was totally sick.  Anyway, that was our day at the zoo, I barely took any pictures.  If and when I do get the chance to go again I will definitely be taking more pictures.  Thanks for reading!

Sleeping Koala, he actually moved a little bit.
The first panda was sleeping but this dude was up and about.
Honestly, I stopped taking pictures after seeing the eyes.  It felt so empty
and lonely, but who knows that's just how I see it.  He or she (I don't remember the gender) could have just woken up from their sleep and be like what the heck are all these people doing in front of my window

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