
Friday, June 14, 2013

Just bought a new game!

I just got Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon! I've never played the first one I didn't even know there was a first one.  Anyways I wanted to get Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Donkey Kong Country Returns also but getting all 3 games at once? Yeah I don’t think so.  So it was either Luigi’s Mansion or Animal Crossing but Animal Crossing was sold out so Luigi’s Mansion it was.  So far the game play is pretty good I like it, lots of things to do, things to figure out, and lots of places to explore.  The only thing I don’t like about it is that from what I’ve read online you can’t save in the middle of missions you either have to complete it or start it over.  I haven’t tried exiting during a mission because why would I do that to myself and have to start over if that is the case.   It also auto saves once you get back into the lab with the other guy so don’t have to worry about that.

Let see how long it’ll take me to finish this game.  I made a rule for myself no matter how much I want a game I have to complete the one I just recently bought first before I can get another game.  I hope more fun games come out for the 3DS that interest me.  My 3DS was seriously collecting dust after I finished Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario 3D Land.  I got those games around the beginning of the year so it’s been awhile.


  1. Haha, you are just like your mom! You guys will actually have the patience and take the time to complete a game.

    1. Lol, it's the only way for me to finish a game and not let it just sit there for ages and never completing it.
