
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Nioxin System Shampoo and Conditioner

Towards the end of 2015 through 2016, I have noticed my hair changing a lot. First, the ends got really brittle which was strange but I fixed it.  Then I notice my hair falling out, yes I know hair falls out all the time BUT! This was more than usual.  At the time I had really long hair and I kept having to remove loose hairs from my arms.  It got to the point it was so annoying I always had my hair tied up and I know tying your hair all the time also isn’t a good thing.  It was falling out so much my boyfriend even started questioning and complaining my hair was all over the place.  I should have taken care of it sooner but I really didn’t know what to do.  

I asked my aunt to cut my hair during the fall season and she noticed my hair thinning and that my follicles were in bad shape.  She told me to use a shampoo with peppermint or tea tree oil to help my follicles.

I remember hearing my other aunt using a shampoo that helps her hair and I thought I would give it a try.  After looking up the product I saw that it has peppermint oil which was perfect!

The shampoo product is called Nioxin which I bought from Ulta.  There are 4 different types of systems for the different type of hairs.  I am using System 2 cleanser and System 2 scalp therapy conditioner.  I pick system 2 because my hair is noticeably thinning and is naturally fine.  I started this at the beginning of October 2016 and it is now May 2017 which makes it 7 months.  The one major thing I notice is that my hair is no longer falling out like crazy! There aren't any strands of random loose hair all over my arm!  I’ve also notice baby hair growing like crazy at the top of my head.  I am so happy to see that the shampoo is actually working and new hair is growing.

Now, this product is quite expensive for shampoo, but hey if it works why not spend a little extra.  There are 4 different sizes for both products:

This is for the Cleanser: 5.1 oz bottle for $12, 10.1 oz for $19, 16.9 oz for $27, and 33.8 oz for $41 (USD)

For the System 2 scalp therapy conditioner it is: 5.1 oz for $15, 10.1 oz for $23, 16.9 oz for $32, 33.8 oz for $50 (USD)

Yes, the conditioner is slightly more expensive than the shampoo.  So far I love how this product is helping my hair.  I do see it working and I hope it continues to work.

I've included the link to Nioxin Systems on the Ulta Beauty webpage

I was not sponsors for these products, I bought it with my own money and the reviews on each item is based solely on my opinion.  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Afters Ice Cream

I love cookie monster ice cream! I think it is now my all time favorite ice cream besides cookie and cream of course.  There are no seats inside maybe that’s just the look they are going for so that people can take pictures with the backdrop.   Who knows.  Anyway,  I got my cookie monster and it was much needed for this crazy weather we are having.  I sampled the milk and cereal, it was pretty good too and I hear the Vietnamese coffee one taste just like the real drink.  You can also get an ice cream sandwich, they use glazed donuts kind of like Krispy Kreme.  Here are a few pictures I snapped while there.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

4th Street Market

It’s my first time visiting the 4th Street Market in Santa Ana.  I thought it would be much bigger, but regardless of the size, there were plenty of eaters to choose from plus a couple dessert places and coffee.  There is also an outdoor area with lots of picnic style tables.  There are table games towards the back area such as jumbo size Jenga, connect 4 and table tennis.  I’m not sure if there is other things to play with I didn’t get a chance to look around.  There is also a stage in the picnic area for local performers to entertain, that was pretty cool.  Anyway, when I do get the chance to come back I would love to walk around the area and try other food places.

The first place we tried is Pig Pen Delicacy.  We ordered the Pork Belly fries and I loved it!  The crispy pork belly was delicious paired nicely with the creamy cilantro sauce.  I would definitely recommend this.

We also went to Jenny’s Pizzeria to try a slice of pizza.  Out of all the pizza, this one caught my attention because well, it was so different.  Spaghetti and meatball Pizza!  Defiantly something to try.  It was good and different my boyfriend loved it.

The Stockyard Sandwich Company is the last place we tried.  We ordered a Short Rib Poutine with tater tots and a Pulled Pork sandwich.  The short rib poutine was delicious! I love tater tots I can never get enough.  But anyway,  I love the pickled onion because it lighten things up from the gravy and short ribs.  The Pulled pork sandwich was also nice.  The egg yolk gave it a nice creamy texture with the soft moist pork and the refreshing slaw was a nice balance.  I think this one was a winner for my boyfriend.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

GameStop Expo 2016

I know this is an extremely late post but I thought I would post it up anyway.  In September GameStop had an expo at the Anaheim Convention Center.  As far as I know it, it’s always been in Vegas.  Since it was so close to home my boyfriend and I decided to go.  We got the VIP package which includes a swag bag, breakfast (I think it's from the small deli stand inside the convention, we didn’t eat), complimentary green screen, and we get in an hour and a half earlier.  We got so much stuff! There were so many things to play and see!  Lots of games using the VR, unfortunately, we didn’t get to try any games using the VR, the wait was too long although you can make reservations to play. The wait time for other games wasn't too bad. There were a lot of nonvideo game stands to win random things if you like, follow, or download certain apps.  We played a couple of those won some stuff.

The gift shop though was crazy! They made a huge zig-zag line to get into the shop which had ZERO wait time, but the line to pay was ridiculously long!  We got there just in time for my boyfriend to get Borderland the Handsome Collection Gentleman Claptrap.  By the time we got half way to the cashiers we could see that the PS4 version was cleared out the only ones left were XBOX.  There were a lot of other cool things in the shop but it’s not things that I really need or want so I didn’t buy anything.

After we made a couple of rounds I was getting hangry (getting annoyed because of hunger resulting in getting angry) it was around 2? We both haven’t had anything to eat and the only place close by was at the Hiltons food court, we didn’t want to drive out in case we had to pay for parking again.  I’m pretty sure there other places to eat within walking distance.  We made the mistake of not checking because my body started to ache, my shoulders felt heavy and sore like it was being pushed down and like I mention before I was getting hangry.  We went to Submarina because it was the shortest line.  The whole bill for our lunch was OVER $30 for 2 regular 6-inch subs and drinks.  I could have gone to a Kbbq for lunch and stuffed myself!  Anyway besides the price, I think this place made me sick, my stomach started to hurt a little while after.  But I wasn’t sure if it was from the sandwich or was it from not eating all day.

I ended up leaving to the hotel first.  I kind of regret leaving early but I wanted my boyfriend to have fun and enjoy himself and not have to worry about me.  Also you guys the XBOX area was giving away cases of Rockstar per person!  My boyfriend got a case and I was like man wish I could have been there!  I would have struggled to bring it back to the car but hey free is free.

We both had a great time minus the body aches and getting sick after lunch.  It was a fun experience and we would definitely go again.

Playing COD
Ghost Buster Car
I won this!

Looking like a school boy haha
All the stuff we got stuffed into 2 Persona Backpacks

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Snack Crate From Korea

Got another snack crate box! Didn’t make a video this time… It said Korea and I was like I’m on it!  I love Korean anything, whether it be Korean food, dramas, kpop, and culture.  I really hope one day I will be able to visit South Korea! There’s so many places I want to visit, so many places I want to shop at especially makeup products!  Anyway, enough about that so we decided to get the Original box this time plus the drink upgrade.

It came with some really good stuff, although half of the product I could get at any local Korean store around me.  But you know what that’s ok because I probably wouldn’t have bought it without knowing what it was.

So the first snack is a Custard soft cupcake and it’s exactly that. I think I've had some with more custard filling than this one had.  It was soft and fluffy not too sweet I like it but would not buy it.
Next is what they describe as a French pie.  It's like a thin soft puff pastry with jam on top similar to a danish or a turnover.  I would get these again but it’s a little messy to eat crumbs EVERYWHERE.
This is called Gosomi; it is a wheat cracker with a hint of sweetness great to have with tea and coffee
These were thin wafers filled with white cream or coffee flavor.  It was good but I’m not a fan
Choco-pie! Chocolate covered cookies with marshmallow filling.  I liked it.
These peanut sandwich cookies tasted just like nutter-butter.
Lotte Milkis was interesting... It was like a carbonated yogurt drink it reminded me of those small yogurt drink in the tiny bottles with a foil top which I'm not that big of a fan.  But this drink I can get used too.  The first sip tasted lightly sweet and nice with the carbonation but then you get a slight sour after taste of yogurt at the end which was ok.  I would probably drink this once in a while.
PPushu PPushu I'm assuming the name comes from the sound of the bag being crushed?  It is a BBQ flavor ramen chips, have you ever taken a bag of ramen noodles crushed it up, add the seasoning packet, and shook it like crazy?  Well, this is not the ones you boil, you’re supposed to eat it all crushed up like a cracker according to the description.  It was good, would I get it again? No… It was nice to try it at least once, though.
Pepero basically it is Pocky.  This one is a cookie and cream flavor which is one of my all time favorite flavors
Looking through the booklet I see that they replaced Secome Dalcom with Choco Heim instead which I'm kind of bum because the candy sounds delicious I love fruity candies but it's ok so the Choco Heim we received is a crunchy wafer stick with chocolate hazelnut filling.  It was good.
The last item in the box is Kancho which is basically another version of the brand Meiji Hello Panda nothing special.

If you guys would like to sign up and try out snack crate for yourself, click on the link below. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

San Diego Zoo

So I’ve been slacking on posting.  After getting better from my cold, I was pretty much congested for another week.  I didn’t want to take more medications but eventually I did give in and got some Sudafed for pressure + pain.  I was getting headaches every day and there was so much pressure in my face I couldn’t take it any longer.  After only taking a day worth of Sudafed I definitely felt better!

Anyway, here is another late post from the holidays.  My little cousins wanted to go to the San Diego Zoo.  This was when I was starting to feel under the weather but I took them because there was nothing that could change their minds and I didn't want to disappoint them.  We went during the weekday so it wasn’t too bad.  My boyfriend and I only stayed on one side of the zoo unfortunately because I was starting to not feel well as time went on.  My aunt and cousins took off on their own which was better for them.  I would have just slowed everyone down.  It was a pretty nice day at the zoo.  Most animals were still sleeping at the time.  There is a lot of construction going on as well.

Towards the end of our trip, we took the sky cabin to go see the polar bears as well as make our way to the elephants.  On the way back to the front we took the sky cabin back and got to see the baby gorilla running around! It was so cute! We left around 1:30 since my boyfriend had work that night.

Before I went home though I made sure to pick up some medicine because sure enough when I woke up the next day I was totally sick.  Anyway, that was our day at the zoo, I barely took any pictures.  If and when I do get the chance to go again I will definitely be taking more pictures.  Thanks for reading!

Sleeping Koala, he actually moved a little bit.
The first panda was sleeping but this dude was up and about.
Honestly, I stopped taking pictures after seeing the eyes.  It felt so empty
and lonely, but who knows that's just how I see it.  He or she (I don't remember the gender) could have just woken up from their sleep and be like what the heck are all these people doing in front of my window

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Thai Temple

I’ve been a little bit under the weather but I’m finally getting over my cold!  I’m just a little congested now.  It started out as the stomach flu then ended up getting sick right after.  So not feeling good during the holidays was a huge bummer especially since my cousins from Washington came to visit.  I haven’t seen them in 2-3 years and they’ve grown so much!  Anyway, I didn’t take many pictures this holiday since I was busy driving everyone around and getting last minute things done.  Plus I was becoming super exhausted with little sleep I didn’t even think about taking pictures.

One of the places we visited was the Thai Temple in Los Angeles.  It’s been a while since I’ve visited this Temple.  We came on a weekday and they only serve food on the weekends.  Also instead of cash you exchange it for tokens at the token booth.  I love all the details put into this temple it’s so beautiful! 

Once you walk in there is a beautiful shrine with various donation boxes that you can contribute too.  On the side, there is a smaller area to pray for your fortune/wish for the new year.  After you finish praying there is a cup with a lot of sticks that are numbered.  Before you shake the cup up and down you make a wish for the new year and then start to shake until one stick falls out. Once you get your stick look at the number and put the stick back in the cup.  On the side there is a case that looks like a bookshelf, find your number to get your fortune paper.  The numbers are in red on the wall of the case on the top left corner above each paper.  After getting your fortune, you give a donation to the box in front of the are where the sticks were.

My aunts told me that you can make up to 3 wishes if the ones before turned out to be bad luck. I don’t know how true that is, so don’t quote me.

Anyway,  I’ve posted some pictures of the temple, hope you enjoy!  Thanks for reading.

Where you pray for your fortune and wish for the new year
before shaking the cup with the sticks
My cousin shaking the cup
Where to find your paper.