
Friday, September 2, 2016


I just bought some lip product to try.  My cousin told me about this and she says it works well, so I thought I would give it a shot.  The brand name is Oops My Lip Tint by Berrisom, it comes individually or you can buy a set that comes in 6 different colors; Bubble Pink, Pure Pink, Vivid Scarlet, Sexy Red, Lovely Peach, and Virgin Red for $22 on the website right now

But I got it on amazon for like 2-4 dollars cheaper.  There are a couple other lip tint colors that are not included in the pack

I also got a Lip tint cleanser to help take off the lip tint. I’m sure there are other cleansers that can take off lip tints but since I was already trying out this brand why not.  The other 2 things I got I couldn’t help myself it just looked so pretty I had to try out the colors.  I got I’m Lip Crayon in matte by I’m Meme.  The color on the left is Natasha #CY255 and the color on the right is Vanessa #CY256.

So far I have tried the color Vanessa and I like how the color looks it’s very pretty.  But there are problems:
  1. Does not last long
  2. No matter how much I put on chapstick before applying the lip crayon my lips end up dry
  3. My lips were chap and crack the next day I could peel the skin off.
  4. Transfer
If you have dry lips like I do, you might want to exfoliate the day before and apply chapstick to help give you nice soft lips for a smooth look. 

I tried Oops My Lip Tint over the weekend and notice that if you are going to be wiping your mouth a lot the tint will come off easily and leave one funky outline and random spots of color.  Definitely need to exfoliate before this product as well.

Don’t be shocked by how dark the color looks coming out of the tube, it is lighter after the peel comes off.  One problem I had with the tubes is that sometimes there would be random air bubbles stuck in it pushing out way more product than I need.  I would have to keep trying to tap the air bubble out.

I’ve heard a lot about these lip tints tasting awful, but I’ve been lucky so far not getting any in my mouth.  I tried bubble pink first and WOW it smells so bad! It smells like Elmer's liquid glue but stronger.  Second worst smell is pure pink, smells almost like bubble pink but not as strong. The other colors had more of a floral perfume sweet smell with lovely peaches being a little bit citrusy.

The result is; I do like the colors of these lip shades I would not buy these again just because it does transfer and is not long lasting.  Although the lip tint will last quite a while as long as you’re not wiping your lips a lot.
Left: Vanessa; Right Natasha
the colors are in the same order as it comes in the box
Left to Right
I tried using the lip tint cleanser to see if I could take off any of the colors.  I tried twice to wash it off, the top left and right pictures are the first attempts and the bottom left and the right pictures are the second attempt. I stopped after two times because my arm was starting to hurt where the little rough beads in the gel were scratching. 3 out of 6 colors came off using the cleanser.

Before; Virgin Red

After; my favorite color so far

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