
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Jalapeno Poppers

Made Jalapeno poppers today! Note to self WEAR GLOVES WHEN CUTTING JALAPENO! My fingers were on fire for about 4 plus hours I tried everything I could think of cold water, lime juice, ketchup nothing worked so I just decided to try to deal with it.  After the burning feeling stopped my middle finger hurt felt like it got squished.  It still hurts here and there but not as bad as before.  Anyways I like how it turned out but I didn’t love it maybe I’ll change a few things next time.  The jalapeno’s I used were extremely hot had to put out a side of cream cheese to calm the spicy flavor down.  My brother didn’t listen to me when I said “you might want to add a little bit more cream cheese on that before you take a bite” he took a big bite and looked like he was in a lot of pain! Lol should have listened to me.

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