
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Crazy Week

What a busy crazy week this has been. This past week was Cambodian New Year.  April 14th – April 16th.  I didn’t go to the temple this year because I had work and won’t be able to go to El Dorado Park for the Festival either because it’s the same weekend as my boyfriend and I two year anniversary! :)

Also April 17th is the 38th anniversary of the start of the Cambodian Genocide.  Starting in 1975-1979 the 4 years of horror and suffering under the rule of Pol Pot killing almost 2 million lives if not more. I've heard countless of stories that my grandma has told me, it is so heart breaking especially at moments when I can see the pain in her eyes as she remembers all the things she's been through. I’m glad my parents made it through this whole thing.  But because of this I will never get to meet my grandparents on my dad’s side and his other brothers and sisters, I would also never get to meet my grandfather on my mom’s side and her other brothers and sisters.  But I am still grateful that my dad’s 2 brother and sisters made it with him and my grandmother, mom, and her 2 sisters and brother made it out also.

I would also like to send condolence and prayers to everyone in Boston and Texas.

So after a crazy week I was craving sweets the other night but there was nothing in the house so I decided to try and make this Cambodian dessert called Ba Baw Pout aka Corn and Tapioca Dessert.  It turned out great! Except I think I put a little bit too much tapioca it absorbed all the liquid over night.  Not really sure if it’s suppose to end up like that or not but it was still good!

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