
Friday, May 3, 2013

D.I.Y Anniversary Card

Now that our anniversary has passed I can post this! This is also my first time posting of any D.I.Y project SO if it sounds like I suck at explaining things and I confuse a lot of you sorry! :) So anyways, I wrote my boyfriend a poem but didn't know how I wanted to give it to him.  So I decided to make him another card I've made him a couple cards before but it’s been awhile.  I think this card is pretty simple compared to my other cards I've made in the past.  Everything I used I already had on hand so I didn't spend any money making this card.

What you'll need:
1.) Fabric Glue or Aleene's Tacky Glue I love using this glue for fabrics or any other crafts it dries super fast
2.) Any color ribbons.  I am using the Green and the Yellow ribbon
3.) 2 of any type of of paper such as; Construction paper, Photo printing papers, or like the one I'm using for this project a plain greeting cards.  I'm sure you can find these at any office supply stores.
4.) Regular scissor and any type of crafting shape scissors
5.)  Some tape

( If you are using Construction paper fold both sheets of paper in half to make the card.
   If you are using Photo printing paper or the blank greeting card like I am this is very important. Fold 1 paper in half glossy side is on the outside.  Fold the 2nd paper with the glossy side facing the inside.  Because later you are going to glue both back sides of the paper together as you can see in the picture at the very top of the page it's a clean nice look on the inside.)

First I taped one end of the ribbon to the back side of the card and measured how much I would need then I taped the other end to the card.   Be sure to check to make sure that the ribbon is straight in the front before you glue each end to the card. You can leave the tape on the ribbon or take it off it doesn't really matter it's going to get covered up anyways.


Repeat the same step if you are using 2 different ribbons.  I decided to do a vertical line and a horizontal line with the ribbon

First picture on the left is the front side.  Second picture on the right is the backside of the card.


You should have something that looks like this now on the inside.


See how I folded the second paper in half the front side (glossy side if using Photo paper) of the card is now on the inside.  Now glue the backside of this to the 1st paper with the ribbon


I just use Paint to print out the words and use the scissors to cut it out making nice little designs and glued on.  The hearts I found on Google just search Hearts and a ton will pop up.  Before I glued on the heats I glued the ribbon to the card by squirting a little bit of glue under the middle of each section of the ribbon just so that it is more secured.


I wanted to do something on the inside and not just leave it plain so I printed out a bigger heart and wrote in the middle and yes I had to print out a second one because I wrote 2013 instead of 2011 for when we first started dating.  Fail.  Anyways to make it pop out/3D looking I ripped a long piece of scrap paper and fold that in half then fold it making a Z shape and glued it to the back of the heart.


and there you have it a heart that pops out


I hope you all like this! I'm pretty sure I confused most of you that read this.  I didn't take that many pictures because at the time I really had no idea where I was going with the card.  I thought it was kind of cute so I'd thought I would share it.  The color reminds me of spring sunny (yellow ribbon) grassy (green ribbon) and flowers (pink hearts).

Thanks for reading! :) <3

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