
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

King Kabob

This is our first time trying any place that sells Kabobs so we didn't know what to expect.  Everything sounded good on the menu we ended up getting the Kabob combo plate which includes according to the menu; A combination of our marinated chicken tender and beef tender charbroiled to perfection.  We also got the Lamb Kabob plate that is marinated in their special sauce and herbs.  Each plate comes with Basmati rice and a charbroiled tomato.

Let's get on with the taste.  The basmati rice was perfect nothing to complain about there.  Our favorite plate was the Kabob combo plate that included the chicken and beef.  The chicken was moist and the marinade added great flavor.  The beef was also tasty except it was a little bit on the tough side.  But still flavor was there and it was a great tasting dish.

The Lamb kabob plate, on the other hand, was not so great.  I'm not sure what was in their special sauce but it did not smell good.  I think there was definitely yogurt in the sauce, but I could be wrong.  It had such a strong sour smell I at one point thought this has gone bad.  Don't get me wrong I like lamb and I've had lamb chops before.  But this... this just didn't seem right.  Maybe it just didn't suit my taste buds and it's actually supposed to taste like this.  I just know we both didn't like it and did not finish that plate.

I wouldn't mind coming here again only for their chicken and beef plates mainly just the chicken.  I'll pass on all their lamb options.

The Kabob combo plate
The Lamb Kabob plate

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

PlayStation Experience 2016

A couple weekends ago my boyfriend and I went to the Playstation Experience at the Anaheim Convention Center.  I’ve seen some pictures but didn’t know what to really expect.  When we got there we had no idea how long the lines would be.  We expected to be about the same as the Gamestop convention (which I have yet to post my bad…).  But we were so wrong the lines were crazy! Wrapping around the building, snaking back and forth.

There were 2 lines outside one to check in for your badge and another line to get into the convention hall.  I didn’t know that we would be getting a goodie bag with our badge so it was pretty cool.  The things in the bag are: a water bottle, a fabric poster, sunglasses with the PS logo on the corner of the lens, buttons, some skin tattoos, hand sanitizer spray, a t-shirt, a share factory magnet, draw to death code, and a bronze card.  There could be other things I might have missed. We ended up putting everything into one bag with other things we got.

Security is pretty tight.  Before you enter the main hall you have to go through metal detectors.  They handed out big zip lock bags so that everyone can place their items in the zip lock bag before walking through the metal detector. Very smart.  It is a big difference from the GameStop expo!  GameStop was more relaxed and laid back didn’t see that many security and didn’t have to go through a metal detector.  It didn’t bother me, though, I understand why there is a need for security there were way more people than the GameStop expo.  Extra precaution is always a good thing.

Another difference between the GameStop Expo and Playstation Experience is that there was food! The food court was open and there were food trucks outside.  They also had multiples mini bar tables that serve beer, wine, and soda.  There is also a bigger bar area with games to play and drink.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to go to the bar there was always a wait to get in and we didn’t eat anything there either.  There just wasn’t any time to eat when you have to wait in line for hours at a time to play a game.  Although by the end of the day I was getting a little bit hungry (also hangry). The only thing that held me over for so long was because we had dim sum before coming to the event so I wouldn’t get moody.  But regardless I'm glad there were food options, unlike at the GameStop expo which didn’t have any and started way earlier.  We had to resort to eating at the Hilton Hotels food court.  The food is extremely over priced and I think I got sick from eating there.  About 30 minutes more or less after eating the sandwich from their food court my stomach started to hurt and I wasn’t feeling good.  So a Plus for Sony Playstation for providing food options!

Anyways back to Playstation.  The wait time for each game can be as long as 30 minutes to 3 hours or more.  I think each game play is about 10-15 minutes long. It was a 2-day event and we did purchase the 2-day pass to have more time to play other games.  One thing for sure though if you don’t have patients or have something to do while you wait in line, it can get very boring. It took us 3 tries to get into the PS gear shop that seemed like it never moved.  When we finally got in line before the cut off we moved about a foot within an hour wait time.  In the end, we decided to leave.

I didn’t come with my boyfriend for the second day because family came over to celebrate my Grandmothers birthday early.  Her actual birthday is during the week.  But it was ok he still had a great time and said it was so much better on the second day.  There were still a good amount of people but not as bad as the first day.  He got to play more games and got a good amount of stuff and actually made it into the gear store this time!

Overall it was a fun experience, maybe not so much on the first day.  If Sony were to host another event here next year I wouldn't mind attending again.  Anyway, here are the pictures of the convention and all the things we got. Thanks for reading!

The things we got:

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Five Guys

After avoiding Five Guys for so long and always going to In N Out my boyfriend and I finally decided to try Five Guys.  We didn’t know what to expect and how the burgers would turn out.

I never yelped them or looked much into how the burgers were made.  All I knew is some people said Five Guys is better than In N Out and you get peanuts while you wait.  I got the all the way bacon cheeseburger and my boyfriend got the same but protein style plus an extra patty and 2 large cajun fries.  We love cajun fries! If you’ve ever been to claws or boiling crab it is so good there!  We also got the bacon cheese hot dog to try.

We ordered to go so yes the lettuce wilted from the heat.  It was also a little messy in the bag because the opening of the lettuce wrap was face down instead of facing up so all the juices were running out of the wrapper.  But it’s ok.  So as I'm taking out everything I realize that the fries come in a large drink cup and overflowing a little bit.  I was a bit surprised we had so much fries next time definitely just ordering 1 large fries.

Now on to the burger, it was very tasty!  The flavors worked together the grilled onion and mushroom was great!  Usually, i’m not that big of a fan of grilled onions or mushrooms.  It is definitely a big burger!  I could only eat half the burger and it didn’t look like we did any damage to the fries!  The hot dog was ok.  Honestly, it tasted similar to the polish hotdogs at the Costco food court.

I definitely will come back to Five Guys and it is slightly better than In N Out in my opinion.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy Late Thanksgiving

My Cousin and I decided that we would prepare this year's Thanksgiving feast!  We made our list and bought everything we needed and man did it add up.  Especially on the day of when we decided to buy Cambodian rice noodles aka kathew phnom penh for breakfast,  But it's ok we were happy to do it plus we were starving.

I was in charge of the turkey this year!  It isn’t my first time preparing the turkey but it was my first time brining it.  My mom offered to buy the turkey and she bought like the biggest one she could find it was a 23lb bird!  I had a few choice words that I won't mention while preparing the turkey having to carry it back and forth from the garage to the kitchen so many times.

The recipe we used is from Alton Brown’s Good Eats Roast Turkey.  I’ve never tried this recipe before and had no idea how it was going to turn out.  It was very easy preparing the brine for the turkey it just took a lot of time to cool it off.  I had to add half more of every ingredient since the turkey was so large.
Preparing the brine for the turkey
The turkey is in!

The night before Thanksgiving we made the mash potatoes.  While we were peeling the potatoes we told our mothers and grandma ahead of time to not do anything and relax but of course they would come into the kitchen and try to do somethings.  It started with my grandma then my mom, my aunt stayed on the sofa so I was glad she didn’t try to come into the kitchen.

While waiting for the potatoes to boil we ended up playing some card games and tried this Korean drink called makgeolli for the first time.  I had no idea what to expect but I expected not to like it since soju is a pretty strong Korean drink as well and the first time I had soju it K.Oed me. But! I did like it!  It was smooth tasted like a light beer like watered down beer.  Mixing the makgeolli with sprite makes it 10x’s better!  Do it!  Another drink we had for the night was Pineapple Soju.  I love pineapple and I figured pineapple soju would be great and it was!  It was so good I could probably drink that whole bottle to myself.  Not that I would….  Anyway, it’s sweet and goes down easy delicious!

So on to the potatoes, my cousin in law made it by adding garlic powder, salt, and heavy whipping cream. It turned out amazing very smooth and creamy. 

We turned in for the night after finishing the mash potatoes and in the early morning guess who came banging on my door and telling me to get the turkey in the oven because it takes 8 hours for a turkey that size… My aunt… In the end, all 3 of them butted in one way or another.  We'll never get our parents to relax. haha.. The turkey only took 5 and a half hours

Anyway, after I agreed so she would quiet down.  I went downstairs to chat with my cousins before getting the turkey ready.  That morning the whole house was so cold!  I had my cousin help me carry the turkey from the garage to the kitchen it was so heavy and overfilled with liquid we had to be so careful to not spill anything.  When we finally got to the kitchen I had to get it out of the freezing ice cold water my hands got numb my left pinky and ring finger stayed numb for a couple of hours after dealing with the turkey and I did get a little worry.  But it’s ok.  So I washed the turkey and dried it well, added the aromatics, and rubbed it with butter then stuck it in the oven.

A couple hours later we worked on the ham.  I’ve never used this recipe either but it came out amazing.  I never favored holiday ham but this one was great!  I will leave the link to the turkey and the ham recipe at the bottom of the post.

After the turkey and ham came out we left it to rest while we warmed up the mash potatoes and made the stuffing.  I was so tired from cooking and waking up so early my body ached and I thought, wow my mom used to do this every year with barely any help.  Much respect because I was sore all over.

When everything finished we had dinner and everything turned out so well! The turkey was moist the ham was flavorful,  and everything else was on point.  It was tiring but in the end, it was all worth it!  Barely any leftovers compared to other years when we just bought pre-cooked turkeys.

Who knows we might do this again next year.  But next year I will just sacrifice the big turkey and do 2 medium size turkeys instead.  I did end up spraining my wrist dealing with that turkey but it’s better now after wrapping it for a couple of days.

I hope everyone who celebrated Thanksgiving had a wonderful time with their friends and family!

The end result to our Thanksgiving Feast!
The rest of the makgeolli and soju we saved for Thanksgiving day.
The peach makgeolli is sweet I like it and the grapefruit soju is good but has a little bitter taste to it.

Don't mind the background some people were playing pool

Here is the link to the Turkey and Ham recipes.