
Monday, March 18, 2013

Boyfriend moved to Victorville

My boyfriend moved to Victorville for a certain reason and I’m so bummed about it.  I guess it’s not that far but I hate driving so it feels like a billion miles away!  Not too sure when we’ll have time to see each other because he has extern at the hospital during the week and gets out at random times and I help my dad at his work place on the weekends.  That’s how we had time to see each other after I get out of work because he only lived less than 5 minutes away from my dad’s work.  BUT now he lives way over there so I can’t see him on the weekends or randomly during the week anymore.  I’m trying to keep a positive outlook on things like my boyfriend said just be positive it’ll be fine everything will work out.  Last week was extremely hard felt like the worst week of my life which it should have been one of the best because my birthday was last week. But it was just so hectic, stressful, and frustrating with my boyfriend moving and other things I don’t want to mention, I was in break down mode.

Anyways yesterday my boyfriend randomly stopped by my house to surprise me!  He is so sweet!  Brought me some flowers and we talked for a bit I didn't want to let him go when we hugged goodbye he was on his way to Victorville.  He definitely made my day just to see him even if it was for a little bit the fact that he took that extra side trip just to surprise me he’s definitely a keeper! I will eventually make my way up there one of these days.  I just hate driving by myself in the dark and it’s like what 45 minutes of driving in the dark mountains from Victorville to get to the first city?  Maybe the first couple of times I drive there I’ll ask my brother if he would be kind enough to come with me. We shall see. :)

From my lovely Boyfriend :) <3

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