
Friday, September 27, 2013

Fear talk 3; Being Bullied

Since as far back as I can remember I’ve always been known to be a passive person.  I didn’t like confrontation, the arguing, dramas, and the negativity so I always agreed with everyone to make people happy.  In elementary school I was known as the shy quiet girl I always wanted to sit in the back never wanted to get called on.  After a certain grade I would always day dream and space out because I didn’t like school very much.  It’s not that it was hard it just felt like a lot of people were picking on me which was mainly the guys.  I had one best friend in elementary I’m pretty sure his name was Tommy.  He never picked on me and we always hanged out together and got along very well.  Until the school decided to have a new lunch system involving computers which resulted in half the school being transferred to a new school and there goes my best friend.  I think the school was called sunny or Sunnyside? Not too sure but I was pretty sad.

Even though I was bullied by some of the guys the teachers didn’t help much.  There was one teacher that was very hard on me I won’t name names but out of everyone else she picked on me the most finding every way possible to get me in trouble.  Why? I have no idea why.  She was the only teacher I remember who tried her hardest to make that school year a nightmare for me.  Which in turn made me not want to go to school I have to admit my grades dropped and I stopped focusing.  I was like well why bother if the teachers didn’t even care.  I was bullied from elementary school to 7th grade once I moved to a new city closer to my mom’s job I wasn’t bullied at all maybe like once in 8th grade but it was whatever.  Once I went into high school the bulling stopped.  My grades went back up and I was doing well in school until another big event happen in my life which I will talk about that later on.

So what I’m trying to say is bullying doesn’t last forever.  Yeah I was bullied for most of my childhood and it was pretty hard, and it did affect my life.  I didn’t have that many people to turn too, I felt alone most of the time.  But look I’m still here today being bullied can hurt you but it's just words and yes words can hurt, but sometimes you just have to ignore and look past it all.  You can’t rely on people to make you stronger you have to be strong yourself, learn to overcome difficult obstacles in your life to be better.  Things happens for a reason maybe it’s caused by your surroundings, the people around you, or you made that reason happen yourself, but whatever it is it happened for a reason.  It’s something you can learn from and become a stronger better person to have a happy life.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Going Back To School!

I haven’t been to school in a while and just been doing my thing, but I think it’s time I go back and get a career for myself.  Even though it’s not what I expected my career choice to be you have to start somewhere; I’ll be attending a vocational school. I've been researching a lots of different schools and read some good and mostly bad reviews.  I’m excited but more nervous because a lot of money is going into this and of course I want something out of it. I just have to put myself through this and try my hardest and after this is all over we will see where I’ll be.  So far everyone that works at the school is very nice and helpful, so as of now everything is off to a good start! :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Beef Satay aka Sach Ko Jakak

A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend and I went to the night market in Westminster. It is pretty expensive once you add it all up at the end of the night.  Anyways this was the first time my boyfriend tried the meat on a stick beef satay aka in Khmer sach ko jakak and loved it.  I've always wanted to learn how to make it and been meaning to ask my mom and grandma how to but haven't had time. So since I didn't want to bother them I took to the web and found multiple recipes. So I came up with my own and it was pretty good for a first time. :)

This is how I made mine

I have a premixed turmeric powder and Thai galangal powder that I made myself which is 2 tb turmeric and 1tb and 1tsp galangal and I used 1 tb and 1tsp and a half (1/2) of that mixture

1 TB and 1 and a 1/2 tsp turmeric/gangala powder mixture
Pinch salt
Pinch pepper
2 tsp sugar
1 tb honey
2/3 cup oyster sauce
4-5 gloves garlic - minced
2 small red onion or shallots - minced
4 stalks of lemon grass – crushed and minced
1 tb oil
Slice beef
(Depending on how much sliced beef you use you might need a little more or less oyster sauce)

Lemon Grass: Hit the stalk with the back of the knife and minced (picture shown at the bottom)

Mix all ingredients together mix the beef into the sauce for about 1-2 minutes just to make sure the meat is completely coated since they will get stuck together.
Let marinate for 1 and a half hours to 4 hours or up to 24 hours
Once done marinating set oven to 375-400 degrees
Skewer the beef onto a skewer stick back and forth kind of making an S shape
Put it in the oven for about 5 minutes or less flip once and leave it in for another 5 minutes or less until it’s done

Also how long it takes to cook depends on how thin or thick your slice of beef is. So make sure to keep an eye on it, how long I keep mine in might burn yours if your meat is too thin.

You can also grill it which is usually how it is prepared but I suck at grilling so I baked it. Same deal with grilling though only need to flip once unless you want the char color to be all over the place then flip away

minced lemon grass and garlic

beef marinated for about 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours

the end result! serve with rice