
Friday, August 23, 2013

Fear Talk 2: I ain’t Afraid of no Ghost! ... Um Wait!

So this is something that’s hard for me to write about because it is kind of creepy.  But you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways I wonder how many people actually believe in the paranormal stuff.  I was always scared but I never really believed it until it started happening to me.  I could go into full detail about everything I have experience, but it will probably be SUPER long and some people will probably get bored reading such a long post.  I could always write a couple different short posts in detail about this topic later.

But for now I’ll just write about how it all started.  I have no idea how old I was I just remember that it was the summer after 7th grade.  My parents just bought this big house with a really big backyard and I loved it! Until I was left home alone because my parents went back to the old house to pick up more stuff and needed more room in the car.  I guess its true kids have wild imagination because I got spooked I kept seeing shadows coming down the stairs at the corner of my eye and I literally sat outside in the backyard till my parents came back.

After that I never thought much about it, everything was normal until I was left home alone again.  I can’t tell you much of why I was home alone I have no idea where everyone was. All I remember is sitting at the computer area which is a little space by the top of the stairs, I hear my grandma door slam shut and a big gust of wind comes around the corner under my legs and into my face as if I was sitting in front of a fan on high, that’s how strong the wind was.  At first I didn’t freak out I figured it’s just the wind so I go and check my grandma’s room and guess what... THE WINDOW WAS CLOSED! So I start to freak out a little bit but tried to remain calm turned off everything and just went to my room.

This was just the beginning it got worse until it got better my grandma always told me to show no fear and be strong, but sometimes when its things unseen it gets pretty scary.  I have so many more stories I could go on for hours writing from beds plus other things being shake in my room, to sleep paralyze, scratches and seeing figures.  It’s a whole lot of craziness.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sweets and More Sweets.

My boyfriend is so sweet he brought me some of my favorite candies! I love the mango revolcando lollipops. I've never tried the ones that look like mini tamales and I still haven't tried it yet I've only been eating the yummie mango lollipops and tamarindo push up thing.  He also bought me one of my favorite chocolates! Lindor it’s a thick chocolaty goodness shell with a melt in your mouth chocolate on the inside.  It was hot today and I forgot that the inside would melt so I pretty much took a shot of liquid chocolate. Still good but I like it better when it’s not already melted. :)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf update.. sorta

I haven’t written on here in awhile and really I’ve just been spending time with my boyfriend and playing animal crossing lol. It’s so hard to make bells! Well not really but I’m so lazy and tired of running around the island catching bugs!  I finally got my town to a perfect town! Yay! It took a while because I have a habit of leaving stuff on the ground when my pockets are full. Especially the first Sunday in august for the fireworks show! I didn’t want to catch bugs so I kept buying fortune cookies from Redds until I got every firework item. I spent probably around 33k so not bad.  I haven’t been asked to build a police station yet but I have the cafĂ©! :) I’ve also almost completed my house just 1 more upgrade on the left room and 1 for the basement! Anyways enough about animal crossing here’s some pictures!

top left; boat ride to the island
top right; making a wish on a star get's you an
item in the mail the next day
bottom left; finally got shampoodle! new hair!
bottom right; getting my fortune read

Fireworks! Hello Kitty fireworks!
Sparklers and Fountains!
So many sparklers from Redds!

This is what you get:
If you talk to Isabelle during the firework show
you get a head band bobber thing.
From Redd's: Boxed Figurine, Miniature Car,
Lovely Phone (that gives out daily fortunes),
Love tester and Ten Billion Barrel (does nothing), 
Ultra Hand (goes up and down),
Ultra machine (shoots the ball as pictured),
Ultra Scope ( the flag goes down. Is it a flag?)