
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bum Day Sunday

The weather has been so nice for the past week beautiful sunny light cool breeze! It’s one of those perfect days.  It’s a nice change from freezing weather wonder how long it will last. Yes I know I don’t have much to complain about since other states right now are like 12 degrees and below 0 plus snow but hey it doesn’t drop down that low where I live in California so when it gets to a certain temperature it’s freezing for us!

Finally got to see Pitch Perfect! Rented it from redbox it was pretty funny.  After that my boyfriend and our brothers went out front to skate on the ripstik and the wave board street surfer. I didn’t try because I'm scared to fall. -_-  BUT! One day I will make myself get over it and learn.

Anyways I’m supposed to go see the movie “A Haunted House” sometime this week hopefully!  It looks super funny! I love Shawn and Marlon Wayans! I've watched them growing up and they are still awesome! Although I don't think Shawn is in this movie but! I still can’t wait to see it!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas to New Years.

So it’s almost 2 weeks since I wrote on here ops.  Totally forgot about it with all the holiday celebrating and getting sick. So time to reminisce the last 2 weeks what has been going on.

Starting with Christmas, I wasn’t feeling too good I was starting to get sick caught it from my boyfriend who was sick couple days before. Anyways I was hosting a small dinner get together just my boyfriend, my brother, my cousins, and their boyfriends. What was on the menu was super simple the main dish was Lok Lak which is stir fried beef over lettuce tomato and cucumber and a side dressing of lemon juice, mix with pepper and salt serve with rice.  I also made mabo tofu which is just tofu stir fry with ground beef and mabo sauce.  My little cousin was craving sushi so I made California rolls and since I had left over crab meat I made crab cream cheese wonton.  For dessert I made my awesome chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting and the night before I was super bored and had half a bag of chocolate chunks lying around so I decided to melt it and make designs out of it to decorate the cupcakes!

After dinner we played games on the ps3 after everyone left my boyfriend and I fell asleep and woke up around 5am and decided to head to his place and just spend the day there. Taking 2 different cars so I can just drive home myself later probably wasn’t such a smart idea. It was raining so hard and driving on the freeway was horrible couldn’t see anything with all the big truck kicking up the water.  We finally made it to his place we both took Nyquil and it knocked us out for most of the day!  I was feeling horrible got worse and he was still sick.  He was being such a sweetheart I’ve never had a boyfriend take care of me when I was sick before so it was really different.  He went out and bought Vicks rub and eucalyptus oil so I can breathe and made sure I had everything I needed to feel a little better.  When we finally got out of bed and some food in us we watched a movie and played a board game with his family. By the end of the night I was so exhausted couldn’t stay awake so I took a little nap before heading home.  My boyfriend decided he would drive behind me to make sure I got home safely since all day I was having a hard time staying awake.  That is so sweet and thoughtful!

The next couple of days were a blur.  All I did was take Nyquil and slept a lot to try and beat this cold.  By the weekend I was still feeling a little sick but way better! We were planning on going to Knott’s since I had free tickets but it was raining sucks. We needed to kill time until my little cousin bday dinner so we went to see Les Miserables.  For new years we didn’t do anything stayed home and relax.  We want to plan a trip to maybe Big Bear or San Francisco.  But I don’t know I need to find a good snow boot if we are planning on going to big bear.  Anyways that was my holiday oh my boyfriend got me this awesome portable laptop rolling table cart thing.  It’s pretty awesome since my room is small I don’t have space for a table but now I don’t need one!  The wheels just rolls right under my bed and the table can be adjust to angle down so it’s comfortable. I love it!

For the New Year I’ve decided to do this thing I saw on tumblr.  It says “Start 2013 off with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen.  On new year’s eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year.” But I’m doing it a little different instead of just writing randomly I’m going to write one for everyday of the year! Okie this rambling is long enough. Happy New Year! I will stop now.