
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

AirSoft Con 2016

This past weekend my boyfriend and I went to airsoft con in Alhambra.  We didn’t know what to expect as it was our first time.  Parking was on the side streets, it can be quite a walk so comfortable shoes is a must!  There were about 25 vendors most gave away patches, and a couple had bags and apparels if you like, follow, favorited, or tagged them.  It didn’t seem that crowded which was a good thing.  They had a costume contest and gave away lots of prizes during the raffle.  To get into the main store it depends on the number of your wristband, they call by sections so that it doesn’t get overcrowded inside.

My boyfriend bought the box of awesomeness and a couple other things.  If you do buy the BOA you get an airsoft sack of con-ness and a t-shirt by showing your receipt.  So that was cool.  We didn’t stay until the end it was getting really hot.  I wouldn’t mind going again it was fun to see what each vendor had.  The only bonus items we got in the airsoft sack was 2 multi-functional survival paracord watch with integrated fire starter and whistle.

Here are the things we got.

The bonus watches at the top of the picture

Shirts only run to XL

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tennesse Pictures!

So I finally got around to sorting out the pictures!  I also made a short video of my trip.

Sunset on the way to Tennessee
Kahlua! I miss him so much!
My grandma's dessert tortoise name Turtle
Went to Nashville Zoo

You can touch the kangaroos!
I don't think I've seen bats at a zoo before.
I think this was at the Opry hotel
I mainly got shot glasses for souvenirs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Heading to Tennessee

This is my first time in Tennessee, I’ve never flown anywhere towards the East coast.  I also haven’t flown anywhere in years the last time I was on a plane was in 2010 going to Hawaii. So you can say I was a little bit nervous.  The flight wasn’t that bad, I was busy recording and or staring out the window at everything.  I was just amazed seeing all the mountains and lands that stretch for miles without buildings. It was about a 4-hour flight but since I was so occupied staring out the window, it seemed like it was only 30 minutes.  My brother, on the other hand, suffered in the middle seat.

I was expecting it to be hot I checked the weather before we boarded the plane and it said middle 90’s all week. BUT! I did not expect it to be so humid and sticky.  It was like a punch in the face the moment we stepped out of the airport doors to wait for my grandma and uncle to pick us up.

Once we got in the car and started to head to my uncle house, he mentioned that his kids, his wife, and he are getting over their cold and the kids won't be able to be around us for a while.  So that was fine I spent time with my grandma.  Tennessee is beautiful I loved driving around town with my grandma.

My uncle has a boxer named Kahlua, I’ve only had small dogs and was always a little scared of big dogs just because they are stronger and heavier.  But after spending lots of time with Kahlua, I fell in love with him.  He is just so cute and a big baby.  He isn’t properly trained so I can never get on his level or sit next to him, he’ll try to take me down.  NOT in an aggressive way he just wants to play.  I don’t think he realizes his size.

I wish I could just take him home with me, he is just the sweetest.  I honestly felt safe with him being around.  The room I stayed in was right in front of where he sleeps when he is bored or wants to check up on me he always comes and pushes the door opens looks at me and leave.  I thought that was just adorable. 

By the middle of the week, everyone that was sick was starting to get better except they still had the coughs.  I know my aunt and uncle wants to take us out and do things together but honestly, I know they were not over the sickness.  The kids were coughing all over the place and we’re all stuck in one car, it was not going to end up well.  We ended up going to the Nashville Zoo which was nice, it was small.  You can pet a kangaroo! I did, it was so soft! Not what I expected.

So towards the weekend my brother, grandma and I got sick. It was pretty bad.  I was taking Nyquil all day and night sleeping pretty much all day for 2 days.  I ended up getting a sinus infection and took Sudafed for it.  We ended up cutting the trip short.  We bought a one-way ticket so that we could stay as long as we want but only ended up staying for 2 weeks. Kind of sucks but it was just bad timing.  Plus it thunderstorm pretty much at least once a day if not all day with crazy winds.  A house down the street actually caught on fire! The neighbors said it could have been caused by the lighting and I could believe that.

A couple of days before our flight back home even though we were still sick.  We attempted to go to downtown Nashville, and the opry mill and Opryland hotel for souvenirs. It was nice downtown so lively although I couldn’t enjoy it much since I was sick.

I felt bad for leaving early, but I just needed to get home and get better.  I ended up being sick for 1 week and a half.  The plane ride home though lets me tell you, I got really bad motion sickness.  I couldn’t do anything! Couldn't look out the window or at my phone I just had to sit there and try not to throw up.  I must say though the flight attendants going to Tennessee were much nicer and attentive, they made the trip comfortable than the flight attendants going back to California, who knows maybe all of them were having a bad day and were over it. But I definitely had a better time flying out of California.

I will post all the pictures of souvenirs and of my trip in another post because this post is already too long and I still need or organize the pictures.

Thanks for reading!