
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Starting to blog again?

It has been a couple of years since my last post.  Nothing much has happen between my last post and now.

The only big thing that happen is my boyfriend and I got a dog during the summer.  We've always plan to get a dog together but it happened unexpectedly.  During the summer the shelters had an event called clear the shelter with all dogs puppies to adult’s adoption fee reduce to $20.  The event was almost over with only 2 hours left to check out the shelters we decided to see what the event was all about.

The first shelter we went too was crazy packed!  We walked around and there were a bunch of cute dogs but we ended up checking out another shelter called wags.  It was a lot smaller, first we looked at a Chihuahua mix adult dog he was adorable and sweet.  But we decided to look some more.

I than notice this little white dog sitting between 2 bigger dogs that look just like her.  I didn't notice her at first she was so little and scared.  I asked to see her and she just melted my heart.  She was scared and was shaking very hard.  She kept hiding under the chair but we got her out every time.  It took about 30 minutes of us comforting her until she stopped shaking.  She started to wonder around the room exploring coming to us on her own.  So adorable!  We later found out she was from a hoarding house. The owner had passed away leaving behind 13 or so dogs.  They all seem well feed just extremely dirty. We did end up adopting her and naming her Mochi.

It took a month for her to settle in and open up her personality.  At first she didn't know what to do with toys, she didn't know how to play and interact.  She didn't eat much and thought us petting her was weird.  But eventually!  She started to do normal puppy things.  She is super attached to my boyfriend.  Where ever he goes she goes.  She is definitely a little drama queen.  Her personality is unlike any other dogs I have own.  She's smart but lazy unless treats are involved she is quick to learn although she gets a little over excited when she sees a treat.

It was an unexpected surprise adopting her, but i'm glad we did. :)