
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

End of January plus February update

I ended January in the worst way by getting sick again! The worst part was my ears were plugged for 2 weeks even after I got over being sick it was driving me crazy I sounded sick all the time!  When I finally got one ear to pop it was when I was driving on the freeway.  Everything was extremely loud it hurt! Such horrible timing. I got my right ear to pop couple days later.  But now when ever my ears plug up I always have to try and pop them right away because  I'm always scared or paranoid it'll stay like that for a couple days to weeks again!  What I took to help me get over this congestion was Sudafed Pressure + Pain.

Anyways so February was so eventful! First my cousin gave birth to her first kid she's so adorable looks just like her dad.  Then it was Chinese New Year which I celebrated with my family,  and Valentine's Day. It was one of the best Valentine’s Day I've had ever! It was stress free not thinking about how to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day and just do what was simple and fun made it so much easier to have fun.

My boyfriend and I put a budget on our spending so we wouldn't go to crazy over board with the whole Valentine thing. I made him a few different kinds of chocolates and his favorite chocolate covered pretzels which I made in white chocolate and milk chocolate, I also made some of each with coconuts shreds. It tasted so good with the coconuts!

What he got me was a big surprise! I've never got a giant card before and what he wrote in there made me tear up a little bit. He also got me stuff animal, candy, and a coach sunglass. Talk about putting a budget on gifts! I love it all! He's the sweetest guy in the world always surprising me! I love him!

         What he got me ^               What I made him ^

So our plan for the day was to get some breakfast and watch movies bum at home. We were starting a rush hour marathon but decided to watch another movie he really wanted to see after the first rush hour but we both ended up falling asleep.

So after we woke up from our nap we were talking about what to do. We end up going to Morongo casino since he has never been there. It was about an hour drive.

It was so much fun I’ve never really gambled much and we didn’t lose! Morongo did us good! :) This time.

I don't know what was going on, on Valentine’s Day with how people were driving but there was so many accidents going to and coming home from Morongo! I've never seen so many accidents in one day. It wasn't just small bumper hits either, most of the ones I saw were really bad. Everyone just needed to slow down and chill out that day. I felt so bad I hope no one was seriously hurt. We almost got into an accident our self with this van instead of slowing down for a big rig that was going to merge into the vans lane, the van decided to swerve so quick into our lane. So glad my boyfriend had a quick reaction and braked and swerved out a little and I’m glad no one was behind us. I have no idea what he was thinking the big rig was nowhere near him anyways and the lane doesn’t even finish merging until after we past the sharp curve.  It was a super scary moment and the van knew he messed up because he took off so quick away from us when before he was driving slowly.

Anyways we came home early got some frozen yogurt and made chicken quesadilla for dinner with a copy cat recipe of taco bell chipotle sauce I think that’s what it’s called.  Over all it was an amazing day one of the best valentines so far! :)

On a side note this month is also the month one of my best friend passed away.  It's been 8 years, even though you aren't around anymore you're always in our thoughts.  We miss you and love you so much! R.I.P Caitlin Oto!  You were truly an amazing person and I'm glad we got to become the best of friends in this life time. <3